Category:Sagewood (RoM Resources by POI)  

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by POI

Sagewood can be found in all of the following areas.

For a table of all Resource Nodes by skill and level see Category:Gathering Skills.

This page last modified 2010-03-23 23:40:48.

Articles in category "Sagewood (RoM Resources by POI)"

There are 9 articles in this category.


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Dust Devil Canyon (RoM Zone) Faded Splendor (RoM POI) Khalara Plateau (RoM POI)
Mesa of the Fallen (RoM POI) Nameless Port (RoM POI) Ravenfell (RoM Zone)
Sea of Snow (RoM POI) Shackle Coast (RoM POI) Tower of Wailing Wind (RoM POI)