Category:Capra (RoM Mob Race)  

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Runes of Magic
Mob Races
The Capra are a race of Goat-Men. There are two subspecies within the Capra race; The good Whitefurs and the evil Blackhorns.

The Whitefurs are warriors and merchants, running the many Caravans that dot the Sascilia Steppes. Although matriarchal in their clan structures, soldiering is still the province mainly of the males. The females are the leaders and planners, and run almost all of the caravans. Ayren Caravan is the exception, run by the youngest brother of Rose, Gurla, and Mentha.

The Blackhorns, led by Blackhorn Hafiz (Ggl), have dark brown fur and black, vertical, horns, and occupy the land of Khant and Pasper's Shrine (also known as Borsburs). They are raiders, brigands, and tomb robbers.

This page last modified 2010-03-22 12:07:03.

Articles in category "Capra (RoM Mob Race)"

There are 23 articles in this category.
