Category:Item Type Icons (CoS)  

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City of Steam
All default Item Type icons should be 30x30 .png images.

Categories: City of Steam | Icons (CoS)
This page last modified 2013-06-20 01:40:32.

Articles in category "Item Type Icons (CoS)"

There are 22 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Belt (CoS Item Type Icon)
Book (CoS Item Type Icon)
Bundle (CoS Item Type Icon)
Chem Helm (CoS Item Type Icon)
Collectible (CoS Item Type Icon)
Fragment (CoS Item Type Icon)
Jetpack (CoS Item Type Icon)
Leather Body (CoS Item Type Icon)
Leather Boots (CoS Item Type Icon)
Leather Helm (CoS Item Type Icon)
Leather Shoulders (CoS Item Type Icon)
Locket (CoS Item Type Icon)
Medicine (CoS Item Type Icon)
Myth Points Pack (CoS Item Type Icon)
Prestige Boots (CoS Item Type Icon)
Robe Boots (CoS Item Type Icon)
Shield (CoS Item Type Icon)
Signet (CoS Item Type Icon)
Subscription (CoS Item Type Icon)
Time-Extender (CoS Item Type Icon)
Vehicle (CoS Item Type Icon)
Watch (CoS Item Type Icon)