Category:Live Events (Aion)  

Live Events are special in-game events of a limited duration, usually coinciding with real-world holidays.

Being a new game, Aion is in it's first year and so the list of Live Event's is still growing.

IconEventDatesReal World Holiday
Scorching HeatSept. 15 to Oct. 13Summer Solstice
Harvest RevelOct. 25 to Oct. 31Halloween, Samhain, All Souls
Solorius FestivalDec. ? to Jan. ?Christmas, Yule, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa

Categories: Guides (Aion) | Aion
This page last modified 2010-10-19 12:47:00.

Articles in category "Live Events (Aion)"

There are 16 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Arcinia (Aion Mob)
Bloitinerk (Aion Mob)
Lark (Aion Mob)
Smootinerk (Aion Mob)
Solorius Cake (Aion Item)
Solorius Cookie (Aion Item)
Solorius Costume (Aion Item)
Solorius Hat (Aion Item)
Solorius Horned Hat (Aion Item)
Solorius Wine (Aion Item)
Talk Like a Pirate Day