Category:Races of WAR  

Warhammer Online
While there are only seven playable races (Dwarf, Orc, Goblin, High Elf, Dark Elf, Human, and Barbarian†) there are many races that are encountered only as monsters, and any of the seven playable races can also be a monster. The pages listed below are the primary information pages for each race in the WAR Race: namespace.

For a list of all Mob Races that have Bestiary Achievement unlocks in the Tome of Knowledge, and sub-lists of all mobs that are members of that racial category, see Bestiary (WAR Achievements).

† Update 1.4.0, The Verminous Horde, will add Skaven as a playable race.

Categories: Warhammer Online | WAR Mobs
This page last modified 2010-11-10 10:13:33.

Articles in category "Races of WAR"

There are 35 articles in this category.