Category:Snow Days  

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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities available in-game during the Snow Days celebration.
This year, Snow Days is set to run from December 3, 2013 to January 13, 2014.

Wikihelp Use {{Snow Days|year}} (year optional) for pages related to this event.

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Snow Days 2013 includes all of the awesomeness from previous Snow Days plus these new additions!




Snow Days 2012 includes all of the awesomeness from previous Snow Days plus these new additions!

12 Days of Holidays

This year, the snow days of holidays offers 12 presents. These presents can be opened on December 25th, 2012. To open a present you need a bow. Bows will be rewarded by doing the daily quests. Each day will have a separate quest that can be started by talking to Trina Turtledove. You can also track the amount of presents and bows you have by talking to her.

If you miss a day, you can still complete the quest but you will not be given a bow, you must then purchase the bow for SC in order to open the present.

You will also receive a "Big Present" for every 4 of the daily presents you can open.

  1. Day 1: Penguin Defense
  2. Day 2: Snowball Fight
  3. Day 3: Crafty Robgoblins
  4. Day 4: Cookie! Nom Nom!
  5. Day 5: Wintery Fishing
  6. Day 6: Defend the Gifting Tree
  7. Day 7: Snowhill Racing
  8. Day 8: Nog Hog
  9. Day 9: Snowhill Soccer
  10. Day 10: Battle for Snowhill
  11. Day 11: Snowhill Derby
  12. Day 12: Abominable Invasion

Small Presents

These are all of the small presents you can get. Which day you get them from will be randomized.

Large Presents

Tested with two characters, these were offered in the same order each time.


Quest Series

The Snow Days quest line begins in Snowhill.

  1. The Gifting Tree from Candi Ivy (repeatable once per day)
  2. Present Problems from Candi Ivy
  3. Holiday Cheer from Candi Ivy
  4. Silversnow's Sapling from Candi Ivy
  5. Guarding the Gifting Tree from Candi Ivy
  6. The Perfect Disguise from Candi Ivy
  7. Robgoblin Robbery Ring from Candi Ivy
  8. Snowmen Disassembly from Candi Ivy
  9. An Unexpected Gift from Candi Ivy

These repeatable quests only become available after completing the quest series:

After you've finished the quest series, you will be able to go back and interfere with the Robgoblins' snowman building at any time.

Clothing and Goodies

Below is a list of the items you can purchase through the Station Cash Marketplace, the Coin Shop, or get as a reward from the various quests.

Holiday Clothing How Obtained
Alpine Winterwear Boots Quest
Alpine Winterwear Gloves Quest
Alpine Winterwear Hat Quest
Alpine Winterwear Jacket Quest
Alpine Winterwear Pants Quest
Bah Humbug Hat Marketplace
Bah Humbug Outfit Marketplace
Candy Cane Outfit Marketplace
Costume Tree Outfit Marketplace
Gingerbread Girl Outfit Marketplace
Gingerbread Man Outfit Marketplace
Miss Bah Humbug Outfit Marketplace
Miss Santa Outfit Marketplace
Penguin Outfit Marketplace
Reindeer Antlers Marketplace
Reindeer Outfit Marketplace
Santa Claus Outfit Marketplace
Santa Hat Quest
Snowman Outfit Marketplace
Subarctic Winterwear Boots Quest
Subarctic Winterwear Gloves Quest
Subarctic Winterwear Hat Quest
Subarctic Winterwear Jacket Quest
Subarctic Winterwear Pants Quest
Toy Maker Outfit Marketplace
Toy Soldier Outfit Marketplace
Winter Wonderland Outfit Marketplace

Other Goodies How Obtained
Blackspore Snow Globe Marketplace
Briarwood Snow Globe Marketplace
Fire-Works-Place Marketplace
Garland Coin Shop
Garnet Marketplace
Gingerbread Playhouse (NEW) Marketplace
Holiday Lights Flair Shard Marketplace
Holiday Tree Coin Shop
Holiday Tree Board Marketplace
Holiday Wreath Coin Shop
Jingle Bell Boombox Marketplace
Merry Vale Snow Globe Marketplace
Ornamental Flair Shard Marketplace
Oversized Candy Cane Coin Shop
Sanctuary Snow Globe Marketplace
Seaside Snow Globe Marketplace
Shrouded Glade Snow Globe Marketplace
Silver Sparkler (NEW to Snow Days) Marketplace
Snowball (NEW to the Marketplace) Marketplace
Snowball Creation Unit Marketplace
Snowflake (NEW) Marketplace
Snowhill Snow Globe Marketplace
Snow Hog (pet pal) Coin Shop
Snowman Coin Shop
Snowman (pet pal) Coin Shop
Stockings Coin Shop
Toy Maker Ears (NEW) Marketplace
Winter Holiday Light Strand Coin Shop
Winter Holiday Present Coin Shop
Winter Holiday Presents Coin Shop
Wugachug Snow Globe Marketplace
Yule Marketplace

Holiday Mystery Gifts

Holiday Mystery Gifts are given out as a quest reward for some of the quests offered during Snow Days. The list below are some of the items rewarded so far.

Snowmen Invaders

There's a game-wide announcement to let you know that snowmen invaders are attacking the Gifting Tree! Grab some snowballs from a nearby pile and help out your friends as you knock these snowmen down. Occasionally, you will receive 1-2 Snowman Coal when you defeat one! The Snowman Coal is used for the repeatable quest Snowman Showdown.

Eventually the Abominable Snowman will come out, and it takes a group effort to defeat him. Once defeated, he'll drop a treasure chest with a Mystery Gift for everyone who helped!

This battle repeats every 15 minutes.

The Abominable's Treasure Chest
The Abominable's Treasure Chest
Players Gathering for Their Reward
Players Gathering for Their Reward

Snowball Fights!

You can scoop up some snowballs and have a snowball fight with your friends! Keep an eye out for Snowball Piles around Snowhill and have fun.

You can also stage an epic snowball fight with other players! Head over near Big J's and speak to Calvin Coldcastle to be added to the fight queue.


Below is a list of items, quests, etc that were available during the 2010 version of this event, but not in later years.

Kai's Challenge
Kai's Challenge
  • The Tacky Snowman Sweater was available from the TCG scenario Kai's Challenge during 2009. The challenge didn't return, but the sweater is available as a Mystery Gift.


Below is a list of items, quests, etc that were available during the 2009 version of this event, but not in later years.

Holiday Screenshots

Click on any image below for the full-sized view!

Event News

Free Realms
Free Realms Events

This page last modified 2013-12-04 12:02:48.

Articles in category "Snow Days"

There are 158 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Crafty Robgoblins (FR Battle)
Free Items (FR)