Bright Wizard Abilities (WAR)  

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CORE Actions (All "x" notations for skills mean the statistic will shift depending upon your level)
Rank Ability Path Cost Range Type Delay Duration Cooldown Description
1 Meltdown Core Free Nuke Magic Attack 1s - 5s Consumes all Combustion. You expel all of your build-up Combustion in a fiery blast, dealing damage to your target based on the amount of Combustion that was consumed.
1 Ignite Immolation 35 Nuke DoT - Elem - Hex - 9s - Builds 5 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! A Hex which causes your target to burst into flames, dealing x Elemental damage to them over 9 seconds.
1 Fireball Incineration 30 100 Magic Attack - Elem 3s - - Builds 10 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You conjure up a fiery missile which slams into your target, dealing x Elemental damage.
2 Sear Incineration 40 100 Magical Attack - Elem 1s - 5s Builds 25 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! Causes a pillar of scalding gas to erupt from the ground, dealing x Elemental damage to your target.
3 Shield of Aqshy Core 20 Self Buff - Enchant - 10s 30s An Enchantment which calls upon the power of the Red Wind to increase your armor by x for 10 seconds, and makes it 50% less likely that you will be set back while building up abilities.
4 Smoke Screen Core 20 100 Magic Debuff - 15s 15s You Detaunt your target by surrounding them with thick smoke, making them hate you less and causing them to deal 50% less damage to you for 15 seconds. If you attack anyone that you have Detaunted, the effect will immediately end.
5 Scorched Earth Conflagration 35 PBAE Magic - Corp - - - Builds 10 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You send a blast of heat into the ground around you, dealing x Corporeal damage to all enemies within 30 feet.
6 Flames of Rhuin Incineration 30 150 Buff - Elem - Enchantment - 60min - An Enchantment which infuses your group with the spirit of fire for 1 hour, giving them a 25% chance to deal an additional x Corporeal damage any time they deal damage.
7 Boiling Blood Immolation 25 100 DoT - Corp - Hex - 10s 10s Builds 5 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! A Hex which causes your target's blood to boil when their body, dealing x Corporeal damage to them over 10 seconds and reducing their Corporeal resistance by 9.
8 Fiery Blast Conflagration 35 80 Magic - Elem 3s - - Builds 20 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You fling a massive ball of fire, dealing x Elemental damage to your target and all other enemies within 20 feet of them.
9 Cauterize Core 25 Heal Dispel - - 10s You must be Cursed, Hexed, or Ailing. You cause an open wound to sear itself shut, removing one Hex, Curse, or Ailment from yourself.
10 Pyroclastic Surge Incineration 30 100 Magic - Corp - Hex 2s - - Builds 10 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! A fountain of molten lava enve
12 Fire Cage Core 30 PBAE CC - Hex - 5s 20s All enemies within 30 feet are Rooted as they become trapped within a cage of searing flames, making them unable to move for 10 seconds. Rooted targets have a 50% chance to break free when they suffer damage.
14 Detonate Immolation 40 80 Magic - Elem - Hex - 9s 10s Target must be Hexed. Builds 25 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You reach through the power of a Hex on the target to instantly deal x Element damage to them, and an additional x Elemental damage over 9 seconds to them and all other enemies within 20 feet.
16 Flame Breath Conflagration 40 CAE Magic - Elem - 9s 10s Builds 20 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You momentarily turn your very breath into a rolling burst of flames, dealing x Elemental damage over 9 seconds to all enemies in a cone in front of you, up to 40 feet away.
18 Flame Shield Immolation 30 100 Buff - Elem - Enchant - 60s - Everyone in your group is Enchanted with a protective shield of flickering flames for 1 hour, giving them a 25% chance to deal 20 Elemental damage back against the attacker when they are struck by a melee attack.
20 Burning Iron Incineration 35 Nuke Magic - Corp - Hex 1s - 20s Builds 10 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! Your target's weapons become red hot, dealing x Corporeal damage to them and causing them to lose 50 Action Points.
25 Rain of Fire Conflagration 25/2s 80 Magic - Elem 1s 10s 20s Builds 15 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You call down a shower of flames from the Winds Of Magic that rains down for the next 10 seconds, falling upon a spot you select and repeatedly dealing x damage to all enemies within 20 feet of that spot.
30 Burnout Core Free Self Self Buff - - - You call upon the Winds Of Magic to grant you power, instantly regaining x Action Points, but dealing x damage to you which you can not prevent.
35 Slow Boil Immolation 30 Nuke Magic - Corp - Hex - 10s 20s Builds 5 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! For the next 10 seconds, the target is inflicted with a Hex which raises their temperature to a delirious fever, causing all of their abilities to take an extra 5 seconds to cool down. When this effect ends, they will suffer x Corporeal damage as the fever peaks.
40 Choking Smoke Coflagration 25 80 Magic - Corp - Hex 2s 3s 30s Builds 20 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! A Hex which turns the air into unbreathable smoke and ash, dealing x Corporeal damage to your target. The target and all other enemies within 20 feet become silenced for 5 seconds, making them unable to use magic.
Masteries that build CORE Actions
Rank Ability Path Cost Range Type Delay Duration Cooldown Description
x5 Funnel Power Incineration Toggle Self Magic - Corp - - 60s You become a living conduit for the power of the Red Wind of Magic, causing all of your directly damaging magical attacks to deal an additional x Corporeal damage to your target, but you will also suffer x damage for each one. Use this ability again to turn it off.
x9 Nova Incineration 40 Nuke Magic - Elem - - 10s Builds 40 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! A powerful spell which makes your target spontaneously combust, dealing x Elemental damage to them.
x13 Fireball Barrage Incineration 30/1.5s 80 Magic - Corp - 3s 15s Builds 15 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You assault your target with a constant stream of fireballs, striking them up to 3 times over 3 seconds. Each blast deals x Elemental damage to your target, and x Elemental damage to all other enemies within 20 feet of them. This effect will end if you break your concentration or run out of action points.
x5 Playing with Fire Immolation 30 Nuke Magic - Elem - Hex - 10s 30s A Hex which surrounds the target with hungry flames, causing all healing used on them for the next 10 seconds to become 50% less effective. Each time someone attempts to use a direct heal on them, the flames will lash out, and healer will suffer x Elemental damage.
x9 Withering Heat Immolation 25/2s Nuke Magic - Corp - 6s 11s Builds 15 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You turn the air around your enemy into a grasping storm of burning flames for up to 6 seconds, dealing up to x Corporeal damage and snaring them, reducing their run speed by 40%. This effect will end if you break your concentration, or run out of action points.
x13 Stop, Drop, and Roll Immolation 30 Nuke Magic - Elem - 5s 20s Target must be Ignited. Builds 10 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You grasp the power of your Ignite hex and cause it to explode with concussive force, dealing x Elemental damage to your target and knocking them down for 3 seconds, but extinguishing your Ignite.
x5 Annihilate Conflagration 25/s PBAE Magic - Corp - 3s 8s Builds 15 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! You concentrate on your magical powers for up to 3 seconds, opening your body to serve as a vessel for the raw power of the Red Wind. The unleashed power will deal x Corporeal damage each second to all enemies within 30 feet, but you will also suffer x damage each second from the strain. This effect will end if you break your concentration, or run out of action points.
x9 Spreading Flames Conflagration 30 80 Magic - Elem - Hex - 15s 20s Target must be Hexed. Builds 10 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! Deals x Elemental damage to your target over 15 seconds. Each time that this effect damages them, the flames will spread, causing x Elemental damage over 3 seconds to all other enemies within 20 feet of them.
x13 Favorable Winds Conflagration 25 LAE Magic Attack - Corp - 10s 20s Builds 10 Combustion. Has a chance to cause an Explosion! Aqshy, the Wind of Fire, bursts forth explosively around you, dealing x Corporeal damage over 15 seconds to all enemies within 30 feet. The force of the blast will send enemy players flying away from you, while monsters will be knocked down.


CORE Morale
Rank Ability MRank Range Duration Description
8 Mage Bolt 1 100 - A focused blast that deals x damage.
12 Siphon Power 2 100 30s Steals up to x action points for your target and gives it to you, and reduces your target's Intelligence by x for 30 seconds.
16 Misdirection 1 Self 10s You gain a strong counter aura for the next 10 seconds that will reduce half of any income Magic damage and redirect half of any direct damage back to the caster.
20 Focused Mind 2 Self 10s For the next 10 seconds, you will remove and ignore any silencing, disarming, rooting, snaring effects and your abilities will build 50% faster and may not be set back.
24 Scintillating Energy 3 100 7s Deals x damage to your target, and stuns them for 7 seconds.
28 Magic Dart 1 100 - Deals x damage to your target and sends them flying backwards away from you.
32 Ruin and Destruction 2 PBAE 10s Deals x damage to all enemies within 30 feet, and stuns them for 5 seconds.
36 Heart of Fire 3 Self 15s Removes all Hexes and Curses from you. You regain x health over 15 seconds.
40 Unleash the Winds 4 PBAE - Deals x damage to all enemies within 30 feet, and knocks them away from you.
Masteries that build CORE Morale
Rank Path Ability MRank Range Duration Description
x15 The Burning Head Incineration 4 100 - Deals x damage to your target, and x to all other enemies within 30 feet of them. All enemies hit by this effect will lose x points of Morale.
x15 Wall of Fire Immolation 4 100 - A wall of fire shoots outwards from you and remains on the ground for 8 seconds, dealing x damage each second to any enemies touching it.
x15 Conflagration of Doom Conflagration 4 100 8s A spot that you select bursts into flames for 8 seconds, dealing x damage each second to all enemies within 30 feet.


CORE Tactics
Rank Ability Description
11 Emperor's Ward Any time you are attacked, there is a 25% chance that you will become protected by a magical barrier for up to 10 seconds, which will absorb up to x damage. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds.
13 Devour Energy Whenever one of your spells hits an enemy, you have a 25% chance to regain 30 Action Points. This effect can not occur more than once every 2 seconds.
15 Lingering Fires Pyroclastic Surge and Flame Breath gain a 25% chance to cause an additional x Elemental damage over 5 seconds to each target hit.
17 Unwavering Faith Increases your Spirit resistance by x.
19 Endless Knowledge Increases your Intelligence by x.
21 Fueled from Within Flames Of Rhuin will now deal x damage, and Flame Shield will now deal x damage.
23 Sigmar's Favor Any time that you are healed, there is a 25% chance that you will regain an additional x hit points as well.
25 Sleight of Hand Enemy monsters will hate you 50% less than normal.
27 Power from the Ashes Meltdown will now restore your action points, returning an amount equal to the Combustion which was expended.
29 Close Quarters Your magical attacks will deal 25% more damage if the target is within 45 feet, but 20% less damage if they are further away.
31 Flashfire Any time an enemy disrupts one of your spells, your next spell within that next 10 seconds which would normally have a buildup time will cast instantly instead. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds.
33 Fan the Flames Increases the radii of Rain Of Fire and Detonate by 50%.
35 Distracting Fire Reduces the cooldown times of Smoke Screen and Fire Cage by 7 seconds.
37 Embrace the Flames Burnout will now only deal x damage to you.
39 Crown of Fire Any time that you are struck by a melee attack, there is a 25% chance that the attacker will become stunned for 1 second. This stun does not grant immunity.
Masteries that build CORE Tactics
Rank Ability Description
Incineration x3 Searing Vitality Sear will now heal you for 67% of the damage that it deals.
Incineration x7 Draining Burn Burning Iron will now deal x damage, and you will regain 50 Action Points when it hits.
Incineration x11 Burn Through Fireball and Pyroclastic Surge are now virtually undefendable.
Immolation x3 Fuel to the Fire Increases the durations of Ignite, Detonate, and Boiling Blood by an additional 3 seconds.
Immolation x7 Ignition Each time that Ignite deals damage, there is a 33% chance that all of the enemy's resistances will become reduced by x and their armor will become reduced by x for 5 seconds.
Immolation x11 Smoldering Embers When Ignite, Boiling Blood, and Slow Boil end or are removed, there is a 25% chance that they will re-kindle, reapplying themselves to the target once again. Be cautious, though, for you will build Combustion and have a chance to cause an Explosion each time they are reapplied!
Conflagration x3 Explosive Force Any time that your Combustion causes an Explosion, the blast will also deal 50% of the damage to all enemies within 30 feet of you.
Conflagration x7 Fiery Reserves Reduces the cooldown times of Flame Breath and Rain Of Fire by 10 seconds.
Conflagration x11 Wildfire When an enemy is hit by your Fiery Blast, Scorched Earth, or Flame Breath, there is a 25% chance that they will become surrounded by flames for 5 seconds, dealing x Elemental damage each second to all other enemies within 30 feet of them.

Warhammer Online

This page last modified 2008-12-23 23:52:17.