Covenant (Rift Guild)  


Covenant Guild is a Defiant Guild on the Argent Shard.

Here is a message from our co-founder and current Guild Master Liliana

First let me give you an overview of our history.

The Covenant was originally started in the beta period of Rift by Quintel on the argent shard. A few players bonded together while trying out the guild system. After the beta events they stayed in touch thanks to GuildPortal. The idea was to start the guild over when Rift got live, and there were discussion about how to do this and on what server.

While some decided to play on a PVP server, Quintel and I decided to stay on the Argent Shard and put our idea's into reality. We both agreed on the name and purpose of the guild, and so the guild was born. Quintel was given the honor to start it up as GM. Soon after the start up, we had our first major setback. Quintel had RL issues wich prevented him from playing Rift. This unexpected turn of events made the starting progression of the guild slow, untill Liliana did not want to wait anymore for Quintel to come back and began to form the guild to her idea's. 3 Members who were there from almost the start were assigned as officer, and started to help Liliana. These members are Maxasis, Enki and Hasnasasir. Without these 3 members it could not have been done, and these members still belong to the core of our guild. Since then the guild has grown alot, and Liliana has created a Council to act as her righthand. More information about the structure of ranks, you can find in our forum!

Even though we are a casual guild, we do want to tackle all the end-game content of Rift. To achieve this goal we started a alliance. Since we see ourselves as the true defenders of Meridian we have called this alliance: Defenders of Meridian. At the moment we have a small guild in this alliance, and we are looking for a likeminded guild. We are clearing the 2 10man Sliver raids as well as the Raid Rifts. We have started Greenscale's Blight and do this on a weekly basis. One of the councilors has been given the task of organizing, forming and leading the Raids along with one of the many officers. This makes sure that we will not have multiple captains on 1 ship, and that the raids have a higher chance of running smoothly.

Now that you know our history to date, here is a small overview of the basic idea behind our guild.

The basic idea was to create a guild where fun and respect are our core value's. We wanted to be a casual guild where all members(and truly ALL members) feel welcome and save, while at the same time we do want to beat all the endgame content(raids)! Rift is a great game, and a good guild only adds to that. We strived to be a guild, wich is respected on the shard. To achieve this we wont tolerate members who misbehave, grief, ninja and any of such things. The Argent shard is a RP-PVE shard, and because of this we as guild respect basic RP rules More info about our rules you can find in our forum.

If you have any question concerning our guild(or want to report one of our members misbehaving) please contact one of our following members: Liliana, Maxasis, Rizly or Enki.



Our guild site is [1]

Many thanks and see you when we are Defending Telara !!

Livia (officer)

This page last modified 2011-08-07 10:27:15.