Dragons Blood (Rift Guild)  


We are a team of people around the world who prides themselves in helping each other and becoming the strongest guild in RIFT. We do multipliable weekly Raids and two on the weekends at different time to help with the time change differences within the members. There are members online 90% of the time who would be more then glad to help you out. We have some of the top crafters who supply the guild with crafted goods. We have a variety of strong players that rule in PvP, dungeons runners, rifters, questers you name it we have it. The guild becomes stronger as a team every time it steps up and overcomes each mission it takes on.

Contents [hide]

Weekly Guild Calendar

There will be Guild Officers available during all guild events. There will be a 15 minuet rule when forming Tier dungeon parties. On the Tire times there will be more than one group formed at a time pending there are enough members online. There will be one guild officer in each group formed. Rift Raids all members are permitted to join on the run when they log. If you are logged in and don’t plane to join the guild runs be sure to just communicate that with an officer.

Day Event Time
Wednesday Officer Chat 5pm ST
Monday Tier 5pm ST
Tuesday Tier 4pm ST

Wednesday Rift Raids 6-7pm ST
Thursday Tier 7pm ST
Saturday Rift Raids 4-5pm ST
Sunday Rift Raids/Tier 12-2pm ST

Guild Bank Guidelines

Ivofsiy has be elected the guild Store-Keep Officer, he will be monitoring withdraws and deposits of items in the guild banks. Hecatae has been elected the guild Treasure Officer all loan request from the guild funds must be submitted to him for review.

Give and Take

Members are permitted to deposit and withdraw items from this bank. If a member withdraws from this bank you will be expected to deposit a reasonable amount of cash into the guild bank for the items.

Officer Approval

This bank is for rare goods including crafting material, high blue and purple items. Guild officers are only permitted to withdraw items from this bank. If you aren’t a guild officer and would like to get one of the items in this bank you will need to talk with any of the guild officers to come to an agreement for item.

Guild Fund Loan

The guidelines for rare loans from guild funds are as followed. Lower levels are limited 1-3plt, 50’s are limited to 20plt under the following conditions. Members will submit an email request to Hecatae at which time he will inform the other officers of the guild of the request. Officers will at that point submit an email to Lordmarius with a yes or no vote on the loan request. All loan requests will need 6+ yes votes from guild officers to be granted. As Guild Master I will not submit a vote, I however do reserve the right to veto a yes vote on all loans.

Categories: Guilds (Rift) | RIFT
This page last modified 2011-09-21 16:06:04.