Most of the "Added effect against XXX type mob:" Scythes have a 100% effect. Check out A l'Outrance for another one. One of my faveorite Scythes as a Beastmaster. I'm thinking about getting this because I like how it looks in the model viewer. ^_^
i swear i saw a blm using this. did they update it at some point and add blm to the users list? i'm thinking now i might have seen a drk in vampire cloak, but it's been awhile...
I was using this weapon to skill up my scythe skill in toraimarai canal versus too weak mobs. I found that vs. undead mobs, the added effect would go off 100% of the time for around 40-45 dmg. Assuming this hits for the same amount vs VT/IT mobs, you could argue that there is no better scythe to use vs. undead...
I don't have this yet so I can't make any serious claim, BUT as a 65 Drk using A l'outrance, I gotta say this might be better then it looks. Especially for those Drk that sub Samurai, lower delay = Increased TP. Plus, despite the fact that A l'outrance has 9 less Damage rating then my Vassago's, it hits for pretty much exactly the same dmg (More to beast type mobs thanks to 100% effect against them.) I'll try this when I hit 67 and let people know, but A l'outrance has suprised me. Maybe this will too.
I mean... generally speaking it isn't that good of a scythe, but remember -- Drk aren't very good against undead, and so if the additional effect lands on every hit, it has the potential to be pretty useful... if not... er... not so much. Naturally, most additional effect weapons don't activate very often, but I've yet to use one that works only against a certain type of monster. If anyone can clear that up, I guess we could determine if this is nothing more than a trophy.
I have A l'Outrance, which has "Additional Effect vs Beasts: Darkness Damage". It kicks in on every hit against Beasts. I would assume this scythe is the same.