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Auction House: Weapons - Great Axes

Berserker's Axe
(Great Axe) All Races
DMG:95 DLY:504

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Found in Areas:Dropped off Mobs:
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#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 01 2008 at 11:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) whats wrong?
# Apr 02 2007 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
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Added fashion shot.
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Hidden Effect?
# Jul 31 2006 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
NONE! I've used this Axe a lot, more than you. Really, I mean that. I've slain more Desert Spiders with this thing than you have mobs in general. This thing kicks enough *** AS IS! It doesn't need hidden effects, and there aren't any. I've tried it with Berserk, I've busted out my damn calculator and killed a crapton of the same mobs mobs using Steel Cyclone with and without Berserk. The results? Well, Berserked Steel Cyclones (barring double attack) averaged about 22% more damage than Steel Cyclones without Berserk. Now, of course the level range between the mobs is what, like three, four? I couldn't get to the fruckin' wire results, but that was enough to convince me there is no hidden effect when Berserk is up.

Still, a ******** Great Axe, and ya all should pick one up.
hidden effect
# Nov 03 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Default
ive had this axe since i was lvl 69 and have used a great axe to exp till now, 74 war/mnk.
I am almost certain that the hidden effect on this enhances ur double attack at nightime, criticals during day time. If anyone has anything they would like to add to this let me know please feel free ^^
Antican Consul
# Sep 06 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
Took this guy down two days in a row now on Unicorn Server, got the drop on Monday, woot. The party I had consisted of.........THF74/NIN37 and RDM75/WHM37.......thats it~ This guy is a wuss, with thief evasion, he couldn't touch me. Neither of us have a Warrior job to test out the hidden effect, but we are letting a friend borrow it tomorrow to test it out.
hidden effet
# Aug 19 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
anyone know if this has a hidden effect? i heard it increases berserks effect ALOT
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 19 2005 at 6:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Saw my friend with two of these she gave me one but dam u shoulda seen her hit reg with 151 on cave berry an with her 2hr hit with 300+
# Mar 07 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
[death] [do u need it?]

this weapon is insanely hard to get, u need a FULL allaince of 70+ or forget about even attempting it

Edited, Thu Apr 28 22:55:24 2005
RE: X_x
# Aug 31 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
full alliance lolz... no i DUO this mob easly with me war/nin (75) and a blm (75), i sneak past the ants to were i can pull him, when i ready the blm starts sleeping all the ants on the way back, aabout halfway i pull and start running back to the door you entered the area in, blm continues to sleep the ants. once the consul is in the area near the door we zone, to lose hate on the slept ants, zone back in reclaim the consul and duo away. Not to hard just need some skill
RE: X_x
# Jul 18 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
You don't need a full alliance.

Last night a party of my ls mates and I, (74-75 pld/war, nin/war, thf/nin, bst/whm, rdm/blm, brd/whm), were down there to kill the Savage Blade NM. We saw 3 NMs up, one of which was the Antican who drops this axe. He's a wuss, the hardest part is clearing out the room before you pull him down. We killed him in about 30 sec and the axe dropped. :D
Can this be true?
# Feb 28 2004 at 4:48 AM Rating: Default
Jebus can this weapon really be THAT much attack at this lvl??
RE: Can this be true?
# Jun 17 2004 at 8:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Yep, insane huh, this is one of the few that's closests to the Abaddon Killer/Bravura which has 99DMG (99/504 on the Abaddon Killer, Bravura 99/488), but those are the new Weapon Skill weapons. Other than that, this GAxe is the highest damage, closest one that can come close to it is Byakko's axe (94/504), and Ulfedinn's Axe (91/504).


P.S. I got the stats from

Edited, Thu Jun 17 21:43:21 2004
this is a GREAT AXE
# Feb 12 2004 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
this is a great axe, not a regular axe
# Feb 04 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Default
are you sure that this is something to be in 1h axe page?
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