if you get the +1, they aren't a bad weapon. However, the TM hooks+1 and Bone Patas+1 are better. Its a shame that there aren't any exceptional claw-type weapons (although the shiva's claws are good for high evasion monsters) EDIT- oops, misspelled cermet in the subject ^_^;
ummmm....it's an okay weapon, i guess....but why would i want to switch? At this point, I'd either have my cross-counters, whichare way better, or still have my impact knuckles...3 less daamage, but +1 str and {wanna say +3, but don't quote me} accuracy, with only something like a +45 delay....just not worth it...sorry =(
I think these are probably there just as the ingredient for Stun Claws. I agree that you probably wouldn't want to actually use these. Of course, you could be something other than a monk using H2H and the cross-counters wouldn't be available. The Impact Knuckles would probably still be preferable, unless you are a H2H ninja, in which case you are most likely stuck with these.