This gun is really freakin' sweet! I've been rockin' it off on my THF/RNG and my oh my, I'm VBing 1-2 times per battle. Pre-60, subbing NIN is debateable. Without DWII, the delay is so slightly reduced (research points to approx. 2% Haste) that you'll attack at about the attack speed as if you were single-wielding. Also, you'd get Strike shield (Viking for those rich/HNM Hunters). It does give an Agi bonus, not too much greater than RNG sub, and the ability to put a hi stat-boosting weapon in your off hand. RNG, on the other hand gives lots of RACC/RATK amps that will really help those THF that choose to suppliment their TP with such things as CBows and Guns, like this gun. But, with this gun, pre-50 my THF is pulling in comparable TP to a NIN, plus the 20ish TP per bullet. Subbing RNG, my THF is getting a rapid shot activation about ever 3rd-4th shot. Some would Agrue that Serpantine is better, simply because of the RACC and RATK bonus, but the .6sec (every 100delay is roughly 1 sec) extra delay, the substantially reduced damage, and the fact that a THF can't equip it make this gun better. For all you non-conformist THF, who wanna pursue the path of most DMG (also the most difficult and most expensive, but my bullets are hitting for the same DMG as a DRK ;p) this is the Ranged Weapon for you. Or, if you're a THF/NIN and wanna give this sucker a shot, throwing Archers/Hawkers/H+1 in your off-hand for a little RACC would probably be viable, only you'd lack the ever-so-sexy Rapid shot, which, in my opinion makes the gun better than daggers because of the occasional reduced delay. (Macroing on Noct Gear and only firing when sharpshot is available can save lots of ammo : )
PS: Edited for clearity and addendum on accidental ommision of intended typing.
Edited, Mon Feb 28 01:37:05 2005