looks more like general kwan's knife than a naginata. hard to say from just the little ID pic as i've never seen it in-game. gen. kwan's knife was a poleax carried by a legendary chinese general from back in the day, and weighed about 80 or so pounds. it was a heavy cavalry weapon. snasty thing, footsoldier go 'crunch.' general kwan (or qunan, various spellings) is the chinese guy with the beard and the big poleaxe you see in statuary in all the cheesey import stores. and now the folks with more knowledge of chinese folklore can flame me for my inaccuracies! :P
Click on the link for the base item (Couse) up there. Take a look at the fashion shot on that page and decide for yourself, I'd bet they share the same in-game model.
if anyone has dynasty warriors 3 or 4 (dont know bout 2 i havent got it) quite a few of the characters use this style of weapon although i cant remember the actual name but it is originating from the east and looks best on a samurai i mean can u see a mithra drg in full AF with one of these? on the other hand could you see a mithra sam with one of these cool looking weapons?