Got this a few months ago for my war giving me 299 Gaxe skill ^^, unfortantly this seems to be the only tourque that wants to drop for my ls, I am currently 0/30+ on even seeing a temperence tourque drop. I've seen Hope/Fait/Love tourques drop maybe 2 times and 0 Prudence, but temperence is a jerk and will never drop even after killing him now for 2 years+, but we get Fort tourque like on 75% of our kills lol, SE drop system is so screwed up xD
drops from Jailer of Fortitude, my LS has killed him about 7-8 times now and gotten 3 torques, he is pretty much the Genbu of Al'Taieu...i think one time we killed him in less than 5 minutes, thats how big of a joke he is.
pretty good torque, i've been using one for about a month or so, replaced Shield Torque...i can see a slight max damage reduction from it but its not REALLY significant but its definetly the best neck piece for PLD right now unless you do a pure +shield build
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From what I have read.. This is dropped (not 100%) from the Jailer of Fortitude. The Jailer of Fortitude is considered to be a Tier 1 Sea god.
The Jailer of Fortitude is a forced pop with 12 Ghrah Chips traded to the ??? in the Garden of Ru'Hmet (first map) at positions I4, C8, L8, J13, or F13.
The Jailer of Temperance also drops a Fortitude Axe (100%) and the 2nd Virtue (not 100%).
I would not mind this for my red mage (definitly not the optimal job for it though). I love my sword, and anything to make he hit harder with it is nice.