I'm way out in Sky right now, but I just saw this item and want one. My Q: is "is this item avalible for sale in bazaar or on AH?" because I'm not very deep into ToAH yet.
well I made a reply to medievalfreaks query but it disappeared :S
Golden Salvage(the first one) is soloable by a SMN and as such is probably your best bet for getting this item asap w/ 3 people in you get 1100-1200 /run
The trick to doing it solo is, open a chest with carby out, if its a mimic carby will pull hate (eventually) at which point you can just walk away from the chest and when carby dies itll despawn back to a chest. Keep doing this til you find the right one (watch out the pugils are truesight)
Well which assault would you do on this. I am have pretty much retired my mnk but would like to eventually get this for the /heal purposes and the nice mp boost regardless of area your in(unlike the mp+50 that doesnt work in Aht areas)
well personally I think its easiest to do it on Golden Salvage as that can be easily solo'd by a SMN, they open a chest w/ carbuncle out, wait for carby to get hate then just walk away from the mimics no worries :p This was you can do it with 3 people i think tis either 1100 or 1200 each eitherway about a weeks worth of runs. I also see you have a SMN so you should have no trouble getting this :P