one other thing to consider is that healing skill effects disruption rate, which is only really important if your getting hit. so if your soloing and you want to heal yourself it's important, or if you're the pld and you need to get cure 3 off so you can get some hate then that little edge getting your cure off might really matter.
-.- most of your healing magic skill starts to show on cure 4 and cure 5 when the basic cap for the spell is raised quite a bit. and why in the world would u want to macro a -emnity ring specially for cure v, cure V is less haet than cure 4, its around the same as cure 2 or cure3, peace.
Agreed. I was all excited about my AF hands giving +15 to healing skill. Turns out, the only difference it had from cure 1-4 was 1 point of hp on cure 3 and a few on cure 4.