been trying to figure out if these can be stolen from certain pugs, either it was my imagination or i could've sworn i stole some once. I'm currently 99.4 bonecraft and need these to get to 100 but seems that every high lvl bonecrafter is after the same thing, not enough gavial fish to desynth either. C'mon fisherman, FISH! lol
been trying to figure out if these can be stolen from certain pugs, either it was my imagination or i could've sworn i stole some once. I'm currently 99.4 bonecraft and need these to get to 100 but seems that every high lvl bonecrafter is after the same thing, not enough gavial fish to desynth either. C'mon fisherman, FISH! lol
I don't think so in fact I rarely see these at all.
these come from HQ desynths of gavial fish. I've gotten up to 4 from a single gavial fish IIRC. The regular desynth nets you 12 fish scales. normal HQ desynth nets 1
Someone at the Jeuno AH was desynthing these HQ pugil scales from something. He was getting 12 regular pugil scales normally and 1 HQ pugil scale on the +1 synths. Anyone know what he was desynthing?
How much are these selling for on other servers? I have the only one up for sale on Alexander and the price history is all people selling to themselves. The average sale-to-self is 100k.
These will drop from higher-level (i.e. 55+) Pugil mobs, much like the other H.Q. synthesis materials (crab shells, coeurl hides, etc.). They also happen to be a rare drop, so bring a THF with you if you want a shot at one of these.
I'm suprised no one has mentioned this on this thread yet... these scales aren't dropped by mobs, they are synthed from Gavial Fish. NQ is 12 fish scales, HQ 1, 2, & 3 are 1, 2, and 4 HQ Pugil Scales, respectively. The recipe caps at very low boneworking (5 I believe). Perhaps some high level pugs drop them as well, but I've seen no evidence of this.