Since lvl 10 my warrior got a Great Sword at lvl 20 I bought a new one and then...
I bought the sword at lvl 27 for 19.000 gil
Now its only worth 12.000 in A.H. :-/
The next one , Demonic Sword , is dropped But the one after that seem much better , Ice Brand
But now im only working on my main , paladin , and i was almost gonna decide to let my paladin use great swords until the end of days instead of my warrior. But ill keep it at sword + shield. I heard Great Axe is better for warrior , so im not sure what i will do with my warrior. Something inside tells me not to sell the sword, but i prolly will need the money for my paladin. And the longer i wait the lower its value :(
Posted:Mar 03 2005 at 2:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thank you for this information. I am just soooooo interested in what you plan to do with your in-game life. I cannot thank you enough for sharing this information with the rest of the world.