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Octave Club
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I love this club
# Aug 05 2010 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
145 posts
At lvl 80 it works like a KC full time, too bad lvl 80 wont stay the max cap for long...
this club really exsists?
# Nov 21 2009 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
does is thing even exsist? killed LoO many of times and never seen a drop and never seen anyone with it equiped.
this club really exsists?
# Jan 05 2010 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
I dunno. Trying to figure that out myself. I'm 0/32. Had TH4 about 5 times and TH3 about 15-20 times. Does anyone know if it LoO still drops Oclub???
what if
# Oct 30 2008 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
what if you level sync to 72 or 64, would you get the effect?
what if
# Nov 01 2008 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
Hole in O. Club
# Jul 31 2008 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
What about @ 75.. your lvl is divisable by 5... so it attacks 5 times.... right? Makes sense doesnt it?
# Apr 12 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
so at 75 this club is just a regular club?
# Apr 14 2008 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
Yes, at level 75 it will only attack once. If your level is divisible by 2, i.e. level 74, it will some times attack twice. Only at levels divisible by 8 (64 & 72) is its behavior just like a K-club.
Drop rate
# Jan 20 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
Any ideas on drop rate % im 0/9 so far
Drop rate
# Jan 21 2008 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I went 1/12 with no TH on any kills.
Dual Wielding?????
# Dec 24 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Dual Wield @ level 25 Ninja only gives a 15% delay reduction. The next reduction only comes at level 45 Ninja. Thus, at level 75ANY/37NIN, you are only getting a 15% delay reduction on the delay of TWO weapons. Dual wielding Kraken Club with another multi-hit weapon is just stupid.

I'll use the "Joyeuse + Kraken Club" idea for this exercise:

Kraken Club (264 delay) ONLY:
Anyone who actually has a kraken club, like me, can tell you that you will hit on average 4-5 hits per swing. For simple math's sake, we'll say you hit 4.5 times per 264 delay, or once per 58.66 delay.

Joyeuse (224 delay) + Kraken Club (264 delay) DUAL WIELDED:
(264 + 224) * .85 (15% reduction) = 415 delay
Even if you average 7 hits EVERY swing, which you won't (I've tried), that's one hit per 59.28 delay. In reality, you still average only 5-6 hits per swing with Joyeuse + Kraken Club. Once again, we'll say 5.5, or one hit per 75.45 delay.

Thus, here we have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that dual wielding a Kraken club may seem like a great idea, but it really isn't 90% of the time.

There are, however 2 semi-practical uses:
1. NIN gets max benefit of dual wield at 75. Sure...off-hand for TP build.
2. WAR or PLD TP build solely for Spirits Within...otherwise useless.

Reasons for Kraken Club dual wield uselessness by job:
1. THF already builds TP too quickly for SATA without KC (KC solo is godly tho)
2. DRK Blood Weapon is timed - speed is VITAL - otherwise useless for DRK
3. PLD solo w/KC can spam Starlight (endless MP) PLUS get benefits of shield
4. RDM solo has BIG dps increase with en- spells and can go /BLM for conserve MP
5. MNK well...fun to watch on Hundred Fists...but SUPER useless with club
6. RNG spamming WS = dead RNG (it's already hard enough for tank to hold hate)
7. DRG would have to be retarded NOT to use Polearm
8. SAM would have to be retarded NOT to use Great Katana
9. BST would die by taking hate from pets
10. WHM/BLM/SMN/BRD - PLEASE for the love of god don't melee...
on war and thf
# Sep 14 2007 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
as 75 thf yes u "Can ws for more if /war but you will not build tp faster than an mkris + haste build thf, i have tested as both thf/nin and thf/war in exp pts and have compteded for tp build against another thf in exp pt, also any good thf or any job has a macro set for ws and for tp gain, so equipment is out of the question, id rather do 8-1100 ws everytime sata is up and a 6-700 s in between over a 1400 ws from /war buffs every few min, and ur double attack will not stand to the tp gain from a haste setup with m kris or scirroko off hand end of story, and as far as dps harpe or p harpe and mkris or scirroko off hand will pawn any day of the week over a /war thf using 1 choice weapon, and to top it u can choose either dmg or delay with daggers no exception, if u main hand scirroko or blau as /war ur dps will be lower than a thf dual wielding both or mkris, with = haste build . as far as war/thf vs war/nin a /nin war attacks for 90-120 per hand per turn, i war/thf with byakkos or berserkers will either hit 150-220 or crit hit as hume, with same gear haub flamesx2 pallas amemet byakkos and war af1 boots + pcc and o hat for 3-400. so yes the war nin hits more often but the war/thf will pwn all the war/nins hits in 1 turn which may take longer, and then build tp faster per hit and every sata my sata steell cyclone hits over 1200 -2400 depending on mob with spike and sipahi for head. if the gaxe is capped of course, so war/thf pwns over war nin in dd department, not to mention double attack 1 crit + 1 regular dmg hit, or 2 crits in row or even 2 regular hits for 200+ each its like a ws from other jobs lol war/thf is sick, ill stop now, THIS IS AN OCTAVE CLUB FORUM NOT A JOB ARGUMENT FORUM .
Ironic much?
# Aug 06 2007 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
Ok so let me get this straight... the club attacks up to 2 times if your level is divisable by 2, 4 times if divisible by 4 and 8 times if divisible by 8?

It seems there is no end in sight to the rediculous ideas SE can come up with. This items level to equip doesn't even activate it... oh the irony.
# Jul 02 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
so then... has anyone accually figured this baby out yet?
# Jul 07 2007 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
Read 2 posts below yours.........
Octave (in music)
# May 07 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
An octave is the interval eight tones higher than another pitch. The octave's frequency is double the previous pitch. (The octave higher than a pitch called A440 would be A880). The octave is separated by 12 semi-tones. Because SE is more cynical than I am, this information may or may not be relevant or useful... but it's educational and that's just darn dandy.
Octave (in music)
# May 20 2007 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
level divisible by 2 occasionally attacks twice
level divisible by 4 occasionally attacks two-four times
level divisible by 8 occasionally attacks two-eight times

info taken from ffxiclopedia database
Octave (in music)
# Jan 20 2008 at 12:37 AM Rating: Default
so... ur saying if ur lvl 75 this thing is pretty much useless? only attacks once?
Octave (in music)
# Nov 18 2007 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
119 posts
i have this club. when i hit 64 on my blm i tried it and it reacts just like a kraken. however, when i hit 68, it only would attack twice. i spent 4 hours testing it and not once did it swing 3-4 times. i personally believe that at 64 and 72 its 2-8 swings, and then every level divisible by two it attacks twice. nothing more.

K club and Octave?
# Apr 21 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I was wondering if it is possible to duel wield both k club and octave at once?
If so, would it be of any use? Cause I've heard Ridill and K club dont stack on the amount of hits when duel wielding.
K club and Octave?
# Sep 15 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
K club and Octave?
# Sep 15 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
double sry
K club and Octave?
# Sep 15 2007 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
The extra hits may not stack but then again it's 2-8 so if one only does 2 you get a second shot at making up the other 6 with the off hand weapon, or you can still crap out and only get 2 making it 4 for the round. Daaaaa.. sofa king we to did joo s
Octave club theory
# Apr 09 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Could it be remotely possible that the effect can kick in if its your WEAPON SKILL that is divisible by 8? Like say a 75 WAR has a Club skill cap of 240, which is divisable by 8 (x30)

Just a thought.
drop rate?
# Apr 06 2007 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
drop rate? anyone know what its like on this?
# Mar 29 2007 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts
occasionally attacks 2 to 8 times when your level is at multiple of 8...
something like that.

original link (japanese)
2-8 hits
# Mar 21 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
Why do people insist of saying an Octave (if it had multi atk) would be ommguberpwnage if you only have 8 atks per turn

ive tried ridill and kraken and its good for drk but you only tk 8 times
2-8 hits
# Mar 31 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
People say this because it would give you a higher chance to attack 8 times per round.

And apparently Octave does attack 2-8 times if your level is a multiple of 8...which means it would work at 64 and 72. I haven't tested it, though.
2-8 hits
# Apr 26 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
959 posts
Makes it rather worthless to me. Being only able to use it's full capability at level 64 & 72 pretty much eliminates any desire to get it. A double attacking weapon even at 74 with D11 is like pissing into the wind.

This one gets a "Thanks for nothing." from me.
Obtaining it?
# Mar 18 2007 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
ok really good question here... how do you GET one? Since so many ppl so worried over the definition of the name that no one has said how to get one? Sorry but i have never seen this ever on anyone in order to ask them, so thought i'd put it here. Minus the fact i like to use really weird stuff just because i like the weird looks you get when ppl see them. Thanks.
Obtaining it?
# Mar 19 2007 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
This is the drop that was put in to replace the Kraken Club as the drop from Lord of Onzozo. The developers have stated that they will put the K club back in as obtainable through other ways, but for now the Octave Club is a drop from LoO.
Octave Club
# Mar 17 2007 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
there is a hidden effect its your ***** must be 8inches long and it works
Octave Club
# Apr 05 2007 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
i lol'd
maybe a variant on FFVII?
# Mar 13 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
remember if FFVII when you got to have 777 hp and you would hit for that amount everytime? maybe if you get 888hp it will kick in and hit 8 evertime instead of just 2-8? just a thought.
# Mar 10 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
379 posts
Kclub is only useful single hand. if you wore both your only gimping yourself and making yourself look stupid ^^;

There is a limit of 8 attacks per attack-round. And the nature of Dualwield makes the delay of subbing /nin and using Kclub offhand kills the whole purpose of the Kclub.

Ie: attacking almost constantly.

Which is also why Thf/war will always pwn Thf/nin, lol

Thfnin attacks twice, sometimes 4 times.. then waits 5mins for cooldown

Thfwar attacks almost constantly, with double attack and triple attack procs all along the way.

As for Octave club... $10 says its a Taisai-style joke SE implemented, just so the GMs can GM-Invis next to the pop area with a bag of popcorn and laugh, rofl
# Mar 11 2007 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
You do realize there's a speed reduction with Dual Wield, right? A person with 2 K clubs, even with the 8 hit cap, will still hit faster than a single K club user over time. The problem with dual wielding 2-8 hit weapons with these stats is that the base damage sucks horribly. Now a RNG/NIN with 2 such weapons would be godly...

Edited, Mar 12th 2007 1:45am by AnaxagorasZ
# Mar 21 2007 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
The Delay reduction doesn't change the fact that single-wielding is more effective than dual-wielding (only wrong reguarding Ninjas)...
When you have a THF/WAR and a THF/NIN in the same party, with one WSing for ~1700 and the second for ~900, you don't need further proofs <.<
Same goes with WAR/THF (or /SAM) blowing WAR/NIN up~
/NIN is really over-rated :O
# Mar 31 2007 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
Seconding Ballin on this-

Haste equipment is far more effective with dual wield than single wielding on thief. /war is absolutely amazing before homam, suppanomimi, walahra turban etc. on thief, but after that they do much better with /nin and the correct TP equipment. THF/NIN will TP *much* faster than THF/WAR, and if a /nin is really dealing 800 less damage on sata than a /war, the /nin is really poorly equipped. Berserk won't make such an extreme difference in damage on Dancing Edge on *any* exp mobs at merit level.

Also, I'd like to see this supposed war/thf or war/sam that can 'blow up' a properly equipped war/nin. So far as I can tell, this hasn't happened, yet, and I frequently merit with warriors who have joyeuse and/or ridill. war/thf is only good for HNM/King settings - It's complete failure in merit parties. I've heard /sam can do decent things with fortitude axe and a really good str/acc set, but to date partying with war/sam and war/nin in the same party has never yielded the /sam coming even within 10% of the /nin.

Stop living in 2004.
# Apr 09 2007 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
I've been in a merit pt w/ a WAR friend of mine who went /DRG and he was definitely out DDing another WAR who was /NIN in the same pt w/ almost exactly the same equipment. I don't know how many of what merits each had, but WAR/DRG > WAR/NIN in that particular pt. (The WAR/NIN had a Maneater/Joyeuse combo and the WAR/DRG had a Martial Bhuj. idk if that makes a difference but it was good to see someone actually be successful w/ a sub other than /NIN.)
# Mar 26 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
Livsenjel wrote:
The Delay reduction doesn't change the fact that single-wielding is more effective than dual-wielding (only wrong reguarding Ninjas)...
When you have a THF/WAR and a THF/NIN in the same party, with one WSing for ~1700 and the second for ~900, you don't need further proofs <.<
Same goes with WAR/THF (or /SAM) blowing WAR/NIN up~
/NIN is really over-rated :O

lol apparently you've only played with gimps who have no attk and sub /nin. On hnm stuff you'd want /war for the attk boost because they've got so much def. But exp/merit type situations /nin destroys /war if you have the merits/equip to back it up.
# Mar 09 2007 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
from my understanding of the k club is has a chance to do between 2-8 hits a round how ever it may still only do one if this club indeed is simmilar to the k club then you should be able to dule wuild it for 2 reasions

1) if the k club effect is triggered and hit for say 4 hit and the effect is trigged in an off hand weapon and it too hit for 4 then you are still using both weapons and thay are both active

2) with the 8 hit/round cap it will pervent anyone from hitting more than 8 times anyway but the main benifit if haveing the 2 versions of the k club would be to get to hit max times more often

i have seen ppl dule wield both the k-club and mer kriss for the purpose of getting in even more hits per turn up to cap

just my understanding though

can anyone conferm or disprove this please
# Mar 09 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Dual wielding two 2-8 hit clubs wouldn't do anything... there is a cap of 8 hits per round... you'd only be slowing hits down with two of those.
*shakes his head at little kids*
# Mar 10 2007 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
this is for all the idiots that posted "If the club does swing 2-8 times if you dual wield's it with k club it would only slow you down because your max hits are 8" YOU ARE VERY DUMB. IF this club did swing 2-8 times. dual wielding it with a k club would almost be 100% chance your going to swing 8 times between the 2 hands. The delay timer would of reset by the time you finish swinging 8 times. look at my post on weapon delay and haste on the "Haste Scroll". So far there is no evidence at all that this club can even swing 2-8 times doing anything. its just a crap item. being that no one has found the hidden effect by now if there is a hidden effect its most likely not worth doing whatever gets you the effect. So don't bother yourself with this and get the real K Club
Octave Club
# Mar 09 2007 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
What is up with this pos club? I swear anything thats really good or of value SE makes a rare/ex version of it so it has no value. At least its good thing for peole wanting items like this. It has to have some hidden effect to make it work like Kraken Club. I saw someones post saying try desynthing it, maybe its used in a synth possibly for an upgrade? lol. As for obtaining a Kraken Club odds are basicly slim s*** now. I also saw info on anything similar to the number 8. Try using it at 8:00 (game time) maybe for a few minutes it has that effect, haha. idk about this item, until i hear more info it sounds like a gimped replacement so people cant run around pwning stuff on drk or mnk w/ a powerful club. Any new info on this plz post it.

Guardian 75DRK
Server: Fenrir
Alliance of Eight
# Mar 08 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
636 posts
Not that I believe there's a hidden effect, but you might try....

Job level ending in 8 - i.e. 68
Job level divisible by 8 - 64, 72
Club skill divisible by 8
8 party members

8th hour of the 8th day of the 8th month, when the moon phase is a multiple of 8

(Alright, so the last one isn't serious...)

# Mar 08 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Maybe it has a hidden effect if you use it in conjunction with Kraken Club...
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