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Phalanx Ring
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# May 21 2009 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
yes, VIT+2 = 1 DEF, easily tested by any VIT ring with an even number(i.e +2,+4)
for example, Stamina Ring, Lv.14 VIT+2, DEF rises from 166 with no ring in that slot, to 167 when i equip that ring, so yes, VIT+2 = 1 DEF, as with STR, STR+2 = 1 ATT, etc.

Edited, May 21st 2009 6:09pm by LanceCPL
Good Question
# Mar 11 2007 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
What is the Best Ring Choice for a lvl 73 PLD?
Good Question
# Apr 21 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
supermanseventwenty wrote:
What is the Best Ring Choice for a lvl 73 PLD?


You have: Herc Ring, Bomb Queen, Defender, Sattiva, Mermaid, Jelly....

Depends on what you are going for.
Good Question
# Mar 12 2007 at 5:51 AM Rating: Default
Defender Ring
Helpful info, if considering purchase.
# Feb 21 2006 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
Here's the deal that some people get confused on about the relationship between VIT and DEF. The link provided by haniblector shows that DEF=VIT x2. So throw on a Stamina ring, and watch your defense raise by one point. Pretty simple test to do on your own.

However, although increasing vitality also increases defense by a small margin at the same time. The same is not true vise-versa. Increasing your defense will not increase your vitality. In other words, the +10 to DEF from these rings, does not equate to +20 VIT.

Since both stats have seperate effects, it is important to have both when facing your opposition's attacks.

Much like when a melee player macro's in a load of STR gear when executing certain weapon skills to up his/her damage. It's nice to have a macro that throws in VIT when an enemy executes certain weapon skills against you, to lower the maximum damage you take from it. Keep rings like these Phalanx rings in, when facing constant attacks from your opponent to lessen the average damage you recieve.

As an rdm, I have found these rings great for tanking situations, and when soloing skill-ups.
Hope this helps in someway if anyone is debating buying these, or VIT+ rings.
# Jul 27 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
20k @ Titan ATM
Verve vs. Phalanx
# Jan 13 2005 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Guys I rated this up cause I had leveled to 50 pretty much knowing that I need all the def and vit I could get but at 50 I questioned the vit to def ratio. Thank you for your input and I'd like to add a bit of my own.

As the phalanx rings were not expensive and I already opted for the verve here is what I got.

The total amount of dmg taken per hit was less with the extra vit rather than the def.
Def is better i think.
# Dec 03 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
I though that +2 Vit= 1def if thats the case then the Phalanx is way better the the stamina or what ever rings that have Vit. And if it id +2 vit= 1 def please respawn baq.
RE: Def is better i think.
# Apr 25 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Default
Vit lowers the possible maximum damage that can be taken while defense gives you better "defense" to melee attacks.

~_~' No vitality does not equal 2 defense or viseversa.
RE: Def is better i think.
# Aug 25 2005 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
vit and def each have seperate function, vit vs str, and def vs att, however:

SE in an interview wrote:

1 vit = 2 def
1 str = 2 att
2 dex = 1 acc
2 agi = 1 evade (not evasion skill)

That what they said. Mind you, that just means the base of you defense went up, def still has its place and can't be just covered by vit, you need both.

Just my opinion, unless the amount of def increase is signifigantly more than what I get from vit gear (and in the case of this ring its not) I'd go with vit, which has the nice bonus of countering mob str instead of just attack.

Edited, Thu Aug 25 22:45:47 2005
RE: Def is better i think.
# Sep 25 2006 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
1 vit = 2 def
1 str = 2 att
2 dex = 1 acc
2 agi = 1 evade (not evasion skill)

SE in an interview wrote that? They even know their own game? Its a simple test, put on 2 STR or 2 VIT and you get 1 atk or def, respectively.

2 VIT = 1 Def
2 STR = 1 Atk
2 DEX = 1 Acc

Not too sure about Agi honestly, but I know it helps proc shield, evade, parry, and guarding.

You need atk to help cap your damage, STR to raise the cap.
VIT to lower maximum cap damage, def to make the damage you recieve proc lower.
Proc basically means "Activation rate" for those who don't know.
RE: Def is better i think.
# Dec 27 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
2 vit doesn't exactly equal 1 def, but I believe that if you add 2 points of vit, you're adding a point of def at the same time. Vit and def do different things, vit drops the ammount of damage you receive on average, def drops your maximum damage recieved, or so I hear... sorry if this doesn't sound too certain, but really, don't you hate it when people pass off rumor for gospel truth?

Edit: fixed a typo

Edited, Mon Dec 27 12:47:06 2004
RE: Def is better i think.
# Dec 31 2004 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
According to the link above, 2 VIT = 1 DEF, but VIT lowers the max damage you can take, while DEF lowers your average damage taken.

at level 50, i hear that VIT is more important than DEF (large DEF pool already). you may not be able to see it in the Equipment menu, but i'd bet you'd see it in the damage.

Edited, Fri Dec 31 22:10:15 2004
RE: Def is better i think.
# Feb 25 2005 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
I thought it was 1 VIT = 2 Def
RE: Def is better i think.
# Jan 13 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
VIT also makes your hp worth more... so you lose less life when you are hit, thats how it was explaned to me
# Oct 12 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
Its good for RDM's but only when soloing. Switch between electrum rings and when that mp is gone, switch to these back to electrums after convert.
My Opinion
# Aug 24 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
A galkan PLD should keep electrum/astral rings, and a Elvaan might want to consider it. Otherwise go for Verve or Phalanx if verve is too pricey.
Phalanx Ring or Eletrum?
# Aug 16 2004 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
Well I'm a Galka PLD and I dont know if I should change my Eletrum Rings for these? Please replay, thank you
On phalanx rings
# Aug 11 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Personaly, I believe that regular stamina rings will always be superior to phalanx rings.

There'll come a point when 20 defense (two rings) represents barely 3-5% of your total defense...whereas + 6 or 8 stamina (assuming two verve or zircons) will almost always be (unless you go Keonig happy) a VERY sizable chunk of your total VIT.

Im also of the opinion that VIT is more important than defense. Not only does defense have a very noticable point of diminishing returns (take a 30-32 warrior with updated armor and Defender to Yhoatar jungle against hte mandy's...that Fish Mith will do exactly nothing to total damage taken...then eat a tortilla - +4 vit - and notice the difference).

This interview uncovers alot of how damage, vit, str, and defense/attk rating goes into damage calculation.


# Jun 14 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
RE: Cost?
# Jun 14 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
whoops....pressed enter too soon, anyway, what's the cost 4 one of these?
Paladin Ring
# May 09 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
Definately paladin rings. I have 2. =)
RE: Paladin Ring
# Aug 12 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Excellent
There is a reason Verve Rings are 55k and Phalanx Rings are 10k. Take a look through the AH Ring window and pick up some new rings in my opinion.
# Apr 24 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
Great Ring for a Paladin, every paladin should get one of these =)
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