These don't really ever sell on Alexander server(AH has no applicable entries for a stack of these), no one wants/needs them. I'm a lvl 94 cook and I was making baked popoto's for todays GP item. I started with 4 stacks of materials and ended up with: 24 Baked Popoto(NQ) 20 Pipin Popoto(HQ) 4 Failed synths(various material losses)
I only needed 25 turned in to max my GP for the day, so I sold myself a stack of HQ popoto's for 2 gil, just to be ther first person to sell 12 of these XD. I put my leftovers back on AH hoping to sell to a fellow cook for GP. Good luck..
Edit: Repeated my synths today(level 95 cook now) for GP again and got: 27 HQ 19 NQ 2 Breaks
man it was awsome i was making these wen out of know where i made this.... then a few seconds later i made another !! i was so happy at the time.... until i sold them for cash ):