ok this may have already been posted but im too lazy to read all the others but think about this ...example... say ur in a bc and wipe but still have 20mins left and u know u can win .. now if ur whm had RR u can shed time by usin the rod every 30sec instead waitin for raise to be rdy while weakened... not to mention u wont have mp hardly when ur weakend.. .. that was just example so here something ive actually experienced... i was lvlin in bibiki bay we were like um pld mnk rng smn blm rdm for some reason the rng links 5 we wipe theres a whm in pt next thats gonna raise us he had the rod so he done raise2 raise3 rod rod raise2 raise3 shavin alot of time from waiting on timer...i my self if could ever find in stock would buy one of these and i have a 75whm ...
anyhow theres my comment have fun with it
blm75 whm75 rdm75 smn72 brd66 thf64 everything else 50-60