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Roundel Earring
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# Mar 08 2009 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default
No worms invovled. Windurst(S) must control all areas in the argoneau and sarutabaruta front, then you have to be Iron Emblem rank and farm Xicu's Rosary off of the NQ yags in Castle Oztroja(S). Once Windy(S) controls all windurst areas you can take up the campaigne OP "Plucking Wings" and it is a BCNM fight that can possibly drop this.
5% based on your base cure not total
# Nov 16 2008 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
I recently acquired one of those, and tested it using the following gear: Aristocrat's Coat[+12%cure] & Templar Mace[+10%cure] & Asklepios[+5%cure] with 47MND gear total used Divine Seal and cast Cure V on Campaign NPC and he healed for 1756 HP.
now I tried adding this earring into the formula and increased my MND gear to +50 instead of +47 and the campaign NPC healed for 1832 HP, so the difference is still minor. note: my character was WHM/NIN Hume race.
its up to you to consider this as worth it or not worth it.
by the way, I paid 7 million gil to get it ._.

incase you still not aware of how to get it, its random drop from the chest that appears after finishing the BCNM "Plucking Wings"
which is available only when windrust in the past claims castle oztroja [s], and you have to be assigned under the Cobra Unit Mercenaries [windrust path] and have reached rank 10 [iron emblem of service] or higher.
It is considered as a campaign operation. it is much more like an assault, you have to get a credit to assign for the mission [something like the ID tags for assault].

Edited, Nov 16th 2008 5:32am by Abdulshakour
# Aug 03 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
3,769 posts
If DRG can use it, why isn't it just "All Jobs"? I mean a DRG will never at any point cast a cure, since dia/footkick-> healing breath is always better. I mean, at that point, PLD and BST could use it at the very least more than DRG.
# Aug 03 2008 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
1,286 posts
DRG is on it because they are assuming some of them might want to go /dnc.
smn healing potency + 5% >.>
# Jun 23 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
great, another piece of gear for lol smn main heal
where? how?
# Jun 21 2008 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know how to get this earring?!? I have been checking all over the place and still can not find any info on it.
where? how?
# Jun 23 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
It looks like you have to fight one of the giant worm nms in the past and be doom voided into a fight with Serket. He seems to drop this.
# Jun 14 2008 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
Ok OMFG?! Where do I get one? @.@


lol Drg can use it. ^^
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