just want to clear up the latent with auto-refresh...
first off, you will get the effect with 1mp. thats true. however, if you have 0mp when you swing the axe, you wont have the haste effect.(try it out with the 1handed regen latent.) mp drops to 0, for that tic of hp you will get 0. until you have atleast 1mp for the latent to consume.
this is true with the haste on this latent. so if the 1mp isnt present when you swing you will have to wait until it is for the latent to activate. what sucks is that the latent will drain the 1mp from auto-refresh whether you are ready to swing or not. so you only have that really small window of time for the haste to proc once you are at the 0/1mp.
that means war needs gear/buffs/ect
with the right gear though... Ares's Cuirass,(not sure on the mp/tic, but lets assume 1mp/tic) pld/smn sub, herc ring(although you'd need to be under 50%hp, and auto-refresh from sanction/IS buffs you'd have enough refresh 3mp/tick to keep this badboy going full time and taking advantage of the latent all the time. not just with a slim chance of activation... drk could use parage gorget in place of herc ring and aspir often...
honestly though after going through all that crap to make it work unless its for a drk zerk or a war/nin tank (marco in for utsu) i cant say its worth it for a war to use... not unless you can find a rdm to toss refresh on you 24/7 cuz brd songs are going to march/march instead XD