ummm...if u were blm/whm/smn and were say pling someone or says that u lose mp when u are engaged w/ an enemy..but if u werent...would the healing skill +6 still stay in effect??? cuz there is some usefullness besides looking KICKASS!! hahah :)
oh and also powermango..i just wantd u to kno...that im in love with....ur cloak...omg its so beautiful...expecially in that shot sooooooo nice...../drool
the healing skill sucks. if anything it may help you increase Cure V and Curaga IV a bit. But, I'm a lvl 71 WHM and I don't use those much, Cure V when the tank is in Orange or Red, Curaga IV so far never. And I have had Curaga IV for a few weeks, I don't lvl fast. But, this club is not without it's merits. To a WHM/NIN this could be quite nice. it has low delay and Attack +10. If you have the Seawolf Cudgel with -5 att and +15 Acc, The Rune rod could be good for a meleeing WHM without the Sea Robber Cudgel. If you rather have just the Att +10 and don't care about delay Darksteel maul might be better for you, though.
No. Unfortunately the latent is activated and ONLY activated when engaged with a mob and ONLY while you have MP. Besides, while Healing magic skill +6 is great it is not better than 10% cure potency from a light staff or healing staff. By the way, in this particular pic I was subbing SMN (+1 MP tick) and wearing the Vermillion cloak (+1 MP tick) so the MP cost while engaged was actually -1 MP/tick.
Nope, +6 Healing Magic Skill is terrible, At most it will increase a cure spell 2 HP... most probable 1 HP. And that isn't past cure caps so basically at that level you are only looking at Cure V really... so basically it's just useless. sorry to say it.
So, is this the Club version of the Relic weapon? Has anyone got any info on the updated versions? I'm interested to see what they do at later levels! ^_^
Just obtained this weapon. I've submitted a fashion shot since the weapon has a unique look. The "latent" effect is activated when engaged with a mob. That latent effect also comes at a cost of -3MP/tick when figting. So when you run out of MP the latenet effect deactivates. Personally this sucks for farming since running out of MP as a WHM could mean death. However i'm keeping this weapon since it has a unique look. I'd rather stick to my Darksteel Maul+1.
Latent effect only takes place when certain conditions are met. Certain conditions can be: HP in yellow, TP at, above, or below a certain %, Specific Subjob, and whateve else programmers at S-E can come up with.