My guess would be that it activates at 50% hp or less and with less than 100tp like the fencers earring since they are at the same lv and 2 of the 15 jobs(right?) set
I just got one to. I bet its yellow hp that triggers it…. But that’s just a guess. I’m having fun messing around with certain equipment swaps. I got this one ready to equip when I have a mischarm.
Hmm. . . I usually try to Tame immediately after i mischarm, and i'm usually not in yellow hp at that time. Considering tame has a 10 min recast, i don't think this think is all that useful.
considering nothing else in your ear slot will help "tame" when you use it, there is usefulness into macroing this in with your tame macro. Even if you aren't in yellow hp sometimes when you use tame, it cant hurt, and when you are in yellow hp and really need that tame to land, it can only help.