I've seen a few posts about this sword having the hidden effect with Toreador's cape and, after getting both.... HELL NO its unfortunately not true. With toreador's cape equipped and tutelary equipped....the cape was still trash and I got my *** handed to me by an EP mob bc it crit hit me so much. Any posts you read about this affecting toreador's cape hidden effect are sadly, untrue.
just got this sword yesterday, pretty good id say although i havnt been able to fully test it, it...by test i mean tank gods with sword+ shield It works really well if u have caped shield + merits and + shield skill.
bought one a little while back to play with and, IMO, if you have Hrotti, Durandal, Joyeuse, and Earth Staff, this isn't really worth buying. sure, the stats are nice, but if you think about it situationally, the other weapons are more useful. most people use this simply for Spirits Within, and switch back to their main weapon right after.
granted, i wouldn't have sold it back had i not gotten a Hrotti 2 days after buying it. until then, it was ridiculously hot.
I am on Asura, i am currently wanting this sword, i have no completed enough CoP missions to attempt this with my own PT, so if someone on this server has one i am willing to pay for it. up to 5 mill.... PST if you have one. - Teblibian
Folks: Just so you know, there is a hidden effect that comes alont with this, it negates the hidden effect of the Torreador's Cape.
The cape gives like Eva+9 as well as other stats. The only problem is it also increases the mobs critical hit% on you by like %50. It can get you killed in a horrible way.
It's great for a NIN but would probably work great for a PLD as well.
Go check AH, the cape does exist. I could find it on alla. But just wanted to share some knowledge with yah.
Here is a Picture of Tutelary. I emailed the posted info and pic but seems it has yet to be posted. Awesome tuck style sword, usually sells from 3-5 mil on Pandemonium.
Yeah, My new LS on Midgardsormr that i joined, pandavas, fought Ouryu a couple fo days ago and got this sword. From the stats, yeah i agree, it would be usefull to a PLD cause hey, 14 defense is nice, and even better, its on a sword! I wish i could get one of these for my PLD ;_;