this is one of the most beloved thangs for a bazaar. you have no clue how much attention you would get with this thang on in frount of the AH in jeuno. as soon as i put it on. my entire log fill with (name here) examins you (name here) checks your bazaar. its friggen nuts, and i love it :D. only 1 downer about it. moveing is a B**ch. only way i found how to move is unequip and re equip and inch my way. this is also a fun toy. to just trick people out. if its usable outside town. you can go were worms rome and be one with them. people will thank your a named mob and try to attack you! Boy the look on there face when they find out your not a mob... unfortily i thank it can only be used in citys. that would be funny
Edited, Jul 25th 2006 at 3:08am EDT by sirdanz