It does a ton of Dmg, and you can keep it after you throw it by using Unlimited Shot, when your a Rng. And it's not Rare Ex, you just can't seel it on the ah
My 75 ninja friend threw it at a Bee in Batallia Downs last night just for fun. It did 800+ damage to it. Arctic Wind is dropped from killing Genbu, which is the easiest of the 4 gods.
Like someone mentioned before, if you use it on one of the other gods, you take off it's builtin En- spell, which is nice.
U SHOULD be able to use this over and over again theoretically with the RNG's Unlimited Shot Ability.
I just got my rng to lvl 51 last night and decided to test out unlimited shot with a pebble. And it DOES work. Now I can't wait to get to lvl 72 and use it with arctic wind =D
So if it works on a pebble... and both are throwing type. Then hey... it should work. Someone plz confirm this :D
i have a east wind and im saving it till i get a ranger up high enough only problem is throwing lack weapon skills so i think a slug shot will do more damage at that level
I have seen it. In fact my friend actully bought it from someones bazaar while he was fishing in Rabao. I dont think you can sell it in AH though cause he said he couldnt and i couldnt find it in Jueno AH. someone wanna post some more info on this about selling/price. or if anyone on the fenrir server wants to buy it give a /tell to either Minimagi or Omniusmortus.
No... some items are just not on the AH. This is one of them. I have no idea why you are saying this like a fact when, in fact you have nothing to base this on?
ok, i've been posting this info around since nobody seems to have a lot of info on RNG. first off, i highly doubt you get this item back. i wouldn't try throwing it until you've talked to someone you trust that can confirm that you get it back. but if i had to guess i'd say you don't get it back.
so what was i saying about RNG? rng's get an ability called "unlimited shot" (5 min cooldown or so, lvl 50 something) which let's you take one shot without actaully using your ammo. so i totally beleive this item is real, and i'm also completely sure it's intended to be used by RNGs.
I have it but as of yet am unable to use it. I dont really want to throw it and not get it back. So if someone can confirm whether this is a returnable throwing item or single use, would be good.
However as mentioned by Euler, with a base damage of 250, I doubt highly that this is re usable...
i dunt think u are able to see it from other ppl's bazaar since this is rare/ex item. and at the same time, if u can see it at bazaar, that meant u can sell it on AH, which it doesn't in my server's AH (phoenix).
It is only rare, and just because it can't be sold at the AH doesn't mean you can't sell/trade it. Take, for example, the quadav aurgary(sp?) shell, kirin's osade(sp?), and kirin's pole. You're not going to see them on auction, but you'll prolly see one in someones bazaar at one point or another.
Yes, this is a real throwing weapon. It's like a boomarang from what i can see, so you dont lose it after one throw. Sometimes you see some really high level JP's showing this off in thier bazaar. For some reason though, i have never seen anyone USE this item... just seen it in bazaar for 999,999,999. **** if i had this, thats all i would use!
For all you confused people out there...this item is for God fights in SKY only. It is for dispelling the Gods Enspells which will own you if not taken off. However, if you hit it with the coresponding wind (which I'm having trouble figuring out because of my own newbness) the fight goes sooo much smoother. If you are throwing this item at goblins or something you should be /slapped.
Not sure about unlimited shot keeping this in your inventory. Everyone should go bug a high lvl rng about that one.
This is almost 10 times as strong as the strongest known Boomerang and about 3-4 times as strong as the best shuriken. I doubt you'd get to keep it and do a 250 base dmg attack (way more then any gun+bullet combination) over and over again. this real? Can someone confirm this?
yep.. thats what it says doesnt it? one day i was bored and running around in CN and i ended up throwing mine at an exo. my throwing wasnt capped when i did this, but even so i still did 549 dmg. i was just like whoa wtf!!?? it was a too weak mob for me, but still, just seing that type of dmg come off one of my throws was amazing to me because i'm so used to seeing anything in the 40-85dmg range.