Pyopyoroon of Nashmau has advised you to head west to a place with many "stooones" to find a special "ghooost." Perhaps it will lead you the ghost ship...
Receiving the Vial of Spectral Scent activates this mission.
This mission involves a fight with a notorious monster. Head into Caedarva Mire from Nashmau and go to the headstone at E-10. There are several undead mobs in this area at night, so you're best off doing this mission during the day.
Clicking the headstone will spawn the Corsair Jazaraat, a fomor mob that can be easily taken down with a trio of 75 jobs. Once you defeat the NM, click on the headstone again for a cutscene and to receive an Ephramadian Gold Coin. Do not zone until you've touched the headstone again, or you'll have to repeat the NM fight.
This completes the mission.
To read the transcripts for this quest, see the Lost Kingdom Spoilers page.
This mission is part of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission series. The complete series is:
This page last modified 2009-02-14 11:05:22.