I've never seen this scroll go for less than 150-160k on Lakshmi...and now that one person has been selling roughly half of the Carnage scrolls on the AH (Gin, I believe), the price has gone up over 400k in the last two weeks...Of course this happens right about the time I need to get it...
So, uh, where can I find these yags that drop it again, and what level would I (or a buddy) need to be to solo it? -_-;>
Um... no.... these do not stack. Try casting Carnage, and then Battlefield. You'll get a "has no effect" message. Requiems, Threnodies, and Elegies do not stack. (Neither does lullaby) One per mob at a time.
Yagudo Chanter drop these in Castle Oztroja it linked when we were killing Abbot's for the WHM holy water quest, we only kill one and got the drop so i guess we were lucky
This is a very Rare scroll from Castle Oztroja, Yagudo Conductors drop these, mannnnnn it seems Yagudo Conductors drop ALL high Lv scrolls for bard, but ionno.....
Conductors (the coffer mobs) don't drop Carnage Elergy, which could be why you haven't seen it drop often ^_~ it's a lower level BRD, behind the four lever door. It runs for 80k on the fairy server, but I've seen it drop twice...so while I'd say it's a rare drop, I wouldn't say extremely rare.