Spell details for Frenetic Rip  

Jobs/Level:Blue Mage, lvl 63
MP cost:61
Reuse:28.5 seconds
Cast time:0.5 seconds
Target Type:Single
Blue Points:3
Attribute Bonus:INT 1
Learned From:Imp
Description:Delivers a threefold attack. Damage varies with TP.

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caedarve mire
# Aug 14 2007 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
473 posts
i learned it today on the 5th frenetic rip.

went to the 3 imps outside of nashmau. first i went blu/whm with a mnk/nin friend (thx kattekop ^^) the horn broke very often, but sometimes he did pop a new one before he had enough tp...

after the mnk left, i used my bf rdn char to swing his joyeuze. crit hit rate was not that good. the horn broke one time, when a smn friend (<3 eltimas ^^) came along. so i'm not sure what made the horn break. after frenetic rip, i launched a 300tp spirits within, to finish the imp. by that time we had blood aggro from 3 skeletons and had to zone to nashmau... running with red hp at night but with a new spell ^^.

# Jan 26 2007 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
To get imps to use this, you need to break their horn. The way to break the horn is by scoring a critical hit with a ws (multi-hit ws or crit ws is best) or meleeing it. Sneak Attack and crit hit blue spells like Sickle Slash also work. However, even though you'll score a critical hit, the horn may not break.

My thoughts are that the higher the level you are (or the weaker the imp is) will increase your chance of breaking the horn when your crit, but this is not confirmed.

If you are a BLU trying to learn this spell, I would definitely recommend bringing a THF friend to help you. High DEX = Lots of critical hits.
I did and about 80% of the time the horn broke.
You could also try a WAR for Mighty Strikes > Rampage.
And let's not forget about CORs and their Rogue's Roll. :)
Frenetic Rip
# Jul 19 2006 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
Frenetic Rip: - P
Learned from: Imp - Bhaflau Thickets, Wajaom Woodlands
Cost: 61 | Cast: .5sec | Recast: 29sec | Blu Points: 3 | Stats: INT+1
Delivers a threefold attack. Damage varies with TP
Job Trait Bonus: Frenetic Rip (63) + Disseverment(72) = Accuracy Bonus (+10 acc)
backhand blow
# Jun 21 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
A couple of friends in my LS and I helped a blue get this out the west exit of Nash in the cemetery. Dc's for 75. we tried for a very long time. My friend nicolai had read that critical hits are key to breaking the horn. So we both got 300 tp up on the birds in the area h2h. Then when the mob used his special horn move we both would Back hand blow. Like trying to stun a mob. (almost a guaranteed critical at 300 tp) we got it to break on the first try as well as the blue their spell. so we tested it on 3 more and were able to get it to break on all 3 this way. After all the time we spent before with not breaking it I’d have to say this is not just a coincidence.

# Jun 11 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
from what ive seen xping on imps they will only use this ws if there horn has been broken, by defalt they will use the aoe silence or amnesia, how break the horn has not been confirmed though i belive it has something to do with critical hits possably weapon skills
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