If you have your Delkfutts tower key from mission 3-3 go to the basement of the tower and get the spell from the pots there. I have taken a lot of my LS mates there and we always get it. Just make sure all PC have a key to open the cermet gate.Soloed it at level 43.
its pretty much the move for light weather in Qufim lol
anyway Mysterious Light is a Gravity move and its lv 40....yup you got it BLU time to go kite in PM 2-5 lol have fun you can only get this spell from magic pots floor 3+ then ones before don't seem to know of this spell + there is only 1 between floor 1-3
You can camp this in lower Delkfutts tower on the second floor. There are more pots in the tower but I was running back and forth between the one magic pot and the dolls. Good luck learning this one :D