This spell saves lives.
You know why regen III + Flash is better than bombcuring for NIN tanks? It lets the NIN evade hits so s/he can bring shadows back up. NIN taking hits lose hate while curing accumulates hate at your end. Flash may be an aggro dump to you, but the NIN doesn't lose hate because they are dodging hits with Flash's assistance. The Regen III's tick produces so less hate that the aggro pretty much diminishes when the next tick kicks in. Best way time to flash is by knowing the nin tank's shadow rotation. Usually its Ni > Ni > Ichi > Flash > Ni or Ni > Ichi > Ni > Ichi > flash > Ni. Most important thing of it all is count shadows disappearing.
You know why Regen III + Cure II is better than bombcuring for PLD tanks? Regen III reduces PLD's MP consumption (especially- elvaan/galka PLD) and uses only 64MP, saving one CureIV(88MP) or Cure V(135MP) worth's of mana by the time the spell wears off. Regen III + Cure II is preferred in non-dangerous health situation as the WHM's cures are suppose to be a cushion to allow PLD's health to drop slowly just so the tank can drop Cure III-IV for more aggro. Flash is also welcomed for PLD tanks as well when it comes to heavy hitters. Best time to flash is 10-15sec after tank flashed; need to space out flash so the tank can take some hits to heal him/herself before WHM flash comes around.
My flash lasts for a good 3-7sec most of the time. Just the three second alone means 1-2 hits missed by the mob, giving NIN the extra time buffer to recast Utsusemi: Ichi(4sec cast)
In the long run, the tank will generate more hate while your hate diminishes in the long run when knowing how to use this spell with flash.
Sad to say, even today, WHM still prefer to bombcure than utilitize the skills the game gave them -.-;
Edited, Dec 7th 2008 7:31am by Nyiii