Spell details for Stoneskin  

Jobs/Level:Red Mage, lvl 34
Rune Fencer, lvl 55
Scholar, lvl 44
White Mage, lvl 28
MP cost:29
Scroll:Scroll of Stoneskin
Reuse:10 Seconds
Cast time:7 seconds
Target Type:Self
Description:Absorbs a certain amount of damage from physical and magical attacks.

Post Comment
# Jul 29 2008 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
i've been reading the posts in here about stoneskin and i wanted to post my own comments about it ive seen the hit rates very from use to use depending on my job and equipment and have tested the fact that the longer you wait to get hit with stoneskin on the less stoneskin blocks i think it is becouse just like sneak and invisible can ware over time. stoneskin also wares over time andthe longer you have it in use before you get hit the chances of being hit increase's but also like one guy said above i've also just casted it at times and depending on te mobs moves i've seen it striped away easily so i guess its realy luck of the draw on how much it can take some times before it dissapears
# Apr 07 2006 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
Tested as NIN75/RDM37

Enhancing skill: 106
MND 61+25

Tested on Cactuar using 1000 needles.
1000 needles did 818 dmg.

Exact formula:

(MND x 2)(Enhancing skill / 100)

So in my case:
86 x 2 x 1.06 equals 182

RE: Formula
# May 22 2006 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
See the formula lower down:

Your X = (106/3) + 86 + 20

So your damage absorbtion is: (((106/3) + 86) * 2) - 60 = 182

Thank you for confirming.
Different amounts
# Jan 15 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
This spell seems to absorb different amounts of damage as someone else mentioned. A week ago I had it on and the minute I got hit, it was gone. Then I recasted it and I took many hits from the same mob. I've tested this out several times now since then and it does seem to be absorbing a very random amount of damage, although I'm sure its between a certain range if nothing else.
# Feb 21 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Ok, can someone test out this hypothesis?
Use Stoneskin/Phalanx and Soul Eater. Will this work? If so, then adding Carapace latency gear after HPs are in the yellow (after Soul Eater wears off) added with Last Resort and an En-spell could be a nice new form of DDing.
RE: idea
# Jun 05 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
3 posts
yes using stoneskin stops you from losing hp when soul eater is on

but it still goes quick (but you sure look good donig as much damage per hit as the drg's in the party :))
# Nov 15 2004 at 4:50 AM Rating: Excellent
28 posts
Since your post is rather recent, much more recent then I made my edit update on the post, I think you should read posts completely before making a post. Like I said, I looked into the formula after been proven wrong with the Enhancing Skill +50 part (the formula just happened to get the same value at one point with my equipment). However, now I've calculated and so on, and the formula has so far been 100% correct.

"F1: ([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND when X < 100
F2: {([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND} * 2 - 60 when X = 100 - 150
F3: {([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND} * 3 - 190 when X > 150

"X" is calculated by

X = ([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND + 20"

100% Correct so far. Also, this makes WHM's mainly (assumed that they have the melee skill with them) able to actually kill cactuars SOLO, which only SMN, BST, DRG and MNK can, without having to sub SMN or BST, or for WAR and some other jobs; WHM alternative RDM. However, Medicine Earring does NOT help against 1000 Needles like Physical Atk -% does unfortunately. /cheer all WHM's. Anyway, I bet lots of people have found out ways to kill cactuars solo, this spell just helps whm's who dont have a up to par SMN sub or bst sub (which not many do anyway).
RE: Note
# Jan 29 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
42 posts

F1: ([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND when X < 100
F2: {([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND} * 2 - 60 when X = 100 - 150
F3: {([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND} * 3 - 190 when X > 150

"X" is calculated by:

X = ([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND + 20

Wouldn't it have been cleaner to simply say:

Compute X = ([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND

Then the formula F for the amount of dmg. reduced is:

F = X (if X < 80)
F = X * 2 - 60 (if 80 <= X <= 130)
F = X * 3 - 190 (if X > 130

Edited, Sat Jan 29 10:47:25 2005
RE: Note
# Nov 30 2005 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
I agree with you that it is much easier to read and easier to calculate, but when people have just finished testing out a new and improved theory, they are not always in a rush to simplify it when they already understand the formula perfectly fine.
# Nov 13 2004 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
It's definitely not Enchancing + 50 to determine damage absorbed. It's more along the lines of Enchancing + MND/2. I know for a fact I absorb roughly around 105 damage because I've been hit by blood saber and black cloud many times and compared the damage I took against my partner who didn't have stoneskin up. My enchaning is around 80 and my mind is around 50. My RDM friend with roughly around 250 enchancing and nearly 100 mind seems to absorb around 300 points of damage.
# Oct 25 2004 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
28 posts
While fighting cactuars in Western Altepa desert with a friend, I could easily calculate the absorbing damage for Stoneskin, the above formula posted is more complicated and probably wrong, a better way is: Enhancing Magic Skill + 50. and thats how much your Stoneskin will absorb. Atleast mine absorbs that, and yes, increased with 1 point of absorbing when i leveled enhancing one more lvl.

Edit: Ok so I dumped some stuff, and suddenly my assumption was wrong, I retake my statement that the formula was probably wrong as it is most likely correct, I'll look into it more if I got the time.

Edited, Thu Nov 4 14:57:51 2004
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 15 2004 at 2:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) [b][/b]jjjkjkjkj
Did you know?
# Jul 29 2004 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
115 posts
"Cast Stoneskin when you're poisoned, and you can still sit and rest"

I found that out by accident when farming in Rolanberry Fields (crawlers). My HP will not tick -1 with Stoneskin on and I can rest with Poison. This this is helpful if you're not subbing /WHM.

Just thought I'd share something with others ^^
RE: Did you know?
# Mar 27 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
This is especially helpful when soloing. Rate up. ^^
Was Unable to Find it
# Jul 28 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
603 posts
I just wanted to say that i could not find this scroll in the magic shops of the first nation.

I am on Alexander and currently Windhurst is rank one. So I travel to Windy to see if I can get the stoneskin spell. I check all the magic stores in Windy....Nothing. I am from Sandy. I found a friend from Windy to check the stores too. Nothing. Windy is in 1st place and I had a Windy ready to buy me the scroll. But it was not available in the stores. We even waited for a day, hoping the stores would regenerate their inventories and offer the scroll. No Luck.

Well I had to bite the bullet and buy it from Windy AH for 9.5k ick. Has anyone been able to buy this scroll and under what conditions?? I can't find it with the conditions people have been talking about.
# Jun 03 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
96 posts
This might be useful, I found it on a messageboard somewhere. The poster said they found it in a guide:

Damage Stoneskin absorbs:

F1: ([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND when X < 100
F2: {([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND} * 2 - 60 when X = 100 - 150
F3: {([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND} * 3 - 190 when X > 150

"X" is calculated by

X = ([Enhancing Magic Skill] / 3) + MND + 20

e.g) RDM63/BLM31 Tarutaru (53 MND) boosting 29 MND.

X = (222 / 3) + 82 + 20 = 176 ---> Take F3

Stoneskin absorbs: {(222 / 3) + 82} * 3 - 190 = 278 damage

Final Note: It is recommended that we switch to MND+ gears when we cast Stoneskin
can sit and med through hits
# Apr 13 2004 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
If a mob aggros you, you can continue to sit for that ever needed med time while you have stoneskin on. This will also let you sit if you have Dia or Bio as long as it doesn't overide your auto-regen. Spells cast on you will still make you stand up but they won't do damage. A very handy and extremely useful spell.

Edited, Tue Apr 13 10:28:51 2004
RE: can sit and med through hits
# Jul 10 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
HP reducing spells will interrupt healing, even if you are gaining hp with Regen. Not sure about Paralyze, but you can heal through a [Garlaige Citadel] [Siege Bat]'s AE Evasion lowering ability.
You can't heal when being asleep either...

RE: can sit and med through hits
# Oct 26 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
you can med through poison :x
Edit: with stoneskin effect active, of course

Edited, Tue Oct 26 04:42:00 2004
RE: can sit and med through hits
# Jun 30 2004 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
Spells that only do damage (nukes, in other words) will only make you stand up if they do damage. I got hit with Aero II for 0 damage and it didn't make me stand up. Any other spells such as debuffs will make you stand up, even if you resist. For instance, being hit by paralyze made me stand up even though I resisted it.
# Feb 18 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
First thing's first:
If your country is in first and you're buying this spell for you or someone else, just do quests to get the price lowered. It runs anywhere from 5K - 8K in the stores, 10K at AH on Diablos server.

2nd: It's not a good spell in a group if you're chaining b/c you waste 29 mp plus the time you lose for mp healing. Blink is a better spell, but still not reccommended for groups. By the time you can get this spell, you have auto-regen. So just cast regen on yourself, save 14mp and healing time, and let the vokers pull mobs off of you after one or two hits.

3rd: It is a great spell for soloing and if you're in a group that is fighting 2 battles at the same time. That way, when you heal one group and the other's enemy aggros you, you'll be ok. It's also useful to use before a bene or a DS/Curaga or Curaga II. If you don't have a pal and the party isn't going to kill the baddies, you'll have enough protection to make it to the zone.

I reccommend buying this scroll, but don't use it religiously in the middle of chain battles. I see that happen too much. If your party is good enough that you aren't using much mp, then that's acceptable. But I've seen whm's lose mp, someone die, then the mob dies b/c they used stoneskin. Think of that extra cure II or DS/Cure II you can get out of your last 30 mp.
RE: Truth
# Apr 01 2004 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
147 posts
Worthless? Hardly... one word, Convert. If I need to Convert during a fight this makes a great life saver in close battles where I need to over nuke or heal.
RE: Truth
# Feb 18 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
806 posts
Well, I've confirmed in game that it's target:self, and not target:single. I'll send in a correction.

Still, the spell is nowhere as worthless as the parent made it out to be, for 2 reasons:
A) WHM can't use Phalanx
B) Having stoneskin on top of phalanx only makes you a better soloer if you're a RDM race with good mp. For instance a Hume RDM/nosub has 28mp more than an elvaan RDM at lvl 33, almost the mp stoneskin costs.

Edited, Mon Mar 8 08:18:05 2004
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 18 2004 at 7:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Don't make assumptions. It has already been stated that it is SELF only. Therefore, your point is moot.
RE: Truth
# Mar 08 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
806 posts
The description of the spell should have been updated. Often you will see conflicting information in the threads, and you have to thrust that the admins and submitter have made valid information available, as should have been done before.
RE: Truth
# Feb 19 2004 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
don't make us suffer a hateful post which adds no information of its own but serves only to attack somone who tried to share their own information.

ESPECIALLY if the best insult you can come up with is a verbatim quote from a crappy adam sandler movie
RE: Truth
# Mar 09 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Default
64 posts
HEY! YOU COPY AND PASTED ONE OF MY POSTS!!! O_o now i understand the good taste in emulating me, but this guy diddnt quote adam sandler!
RE: Truth
# Feb 23 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
very true, and ya billy madison did suck.

anyways this is a target SELF not single. phalanx anbd blink are also target SELF not single.

this IS worth casting before battles, its saved mages many times. no I do agree that this should not be casted in the middle of battle, however if you got competent tanks you shouldnt have to cast it twice to stay alive.

Also a bit of truth, the dmg absorbed is based on your enahncing magic skill lvl and the lvl of the mob you are fighting.
RE: billy madison sucks?!?!
# Mar 08 2004 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
Billy Madison - Greatest movie. Ever.
# Jan 31 2004 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
so where do i find this spell if my country is not dominant ?

or where can i find it in windurst ? in bastok ? and san doria ?
RE: ok
# Feb 14 2004 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
If Bastok is first (maybe second might be enouth too) it can be found in the magic shop in Bastok Market for around 8k.
In Windurst try Kususu in Windurst Port on same conditions.
Stone Skin
# Jan 09 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
It actually is cheaper when you do the Courtier quest, and the magicmart flyers quest that you can do for Regina's magicmart to get even LOWER prices (flyers quest REALLY REALLY HARD)
San D'oria
# Dec 25 2003 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
408 posts
When San D'oria is in first place the magic shop there has it, and for very cheap too, only like 5k-ish gil (maybe, maybe less)
# Dec 22 2003 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
I have seen this spell absorb differ amounts of damage....have see it absorb over 300 and other times a lowly 100 damage. It is a cheap spell...under 10k for it. When you are hit while SS effect is on...you take 0 damage. Combine that with blink and phalanx...and you will have some fun
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 15 2003 at 11:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) huh? my country has first place and there's no stoneskin spell
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 05 2003 at 10:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You can buy with conquest points if your country is in first place.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 04 2003 at 6:31 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anyone know where this spell is sold besides AH? is it a drop or any specific place sells it? I really dont wanna pay the AH overpriced prices
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 24 2003 at 12:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Self only. Its like a 95dmg rune or so. Lasts for 5 minutes or until you are hit for 95dmg. I like it. I keep it up during pulls. If you are hit with this up, you will be hit for 0 damage.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 17 2003 at 4:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) is this a DEF buff? Is this self only?
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