Is it possible to use Erase in lieu of Viruna? I haven't messed around with Erase much, so I'm not sure what it won't remove (aside from weakness duh :p).
Nope, I didn't have Viruna yet, not having much gil and not seeing any immediate need, since I hadn't yet run across Disease... But I wound up with Disease, cast Erase hoping it might work, but... nothing >.<
Nope, I can confirm that Erase does NOT work on Disease. And that Disease is very annoying. It lasts a really long time.
Today my pt died (antican kept silencing and sleeping everybody >.<), and after reraising myself, a pt member suggested this very idea. Had only had enough time to raise one member and get mp back up to about 50... probably not enough time to reverse weaken state. Anyway I try it out. Cast viruna... "is no longer weakened" my whole party is like wtf?! it worked?! tried it on the guy I just raised and no dice. very possible it has to be cast on self, or like doomed, is only sometimes successful. Coincidence timing also came to mind, but really i don't think it had been long enough. anybody else try this?
Viruna will cancel virus you get from 'breath' type attacks that the undead wolves or raptors have. Foul Breath from Velociraptor causes virus, you can't regain HP/MP when resting.
I'm a level 33 WHM and maybe I just suck or something but I don't think I have ever seen someone get virus cast on them. Bio yes, Poison yes, Rasp yes. But virus no. Which mobs cast these? when should I look out for this particular spell?
Bio is not a virus. Viruna cancels Disease, which is caused by Raptor and Wolf type mobs.
Viruna is extremely expensive to cast, to the point where I've been in parties where they ask that I NOT cast it to save MP. Just cast it on a Paladin and any mages that get hit with it.