Gynok's Journal  

Gynok's Journal[1]

Passage One

...any years. I am a man of great importance in Qeynos. The Great Mountains Trading Company is mine, since I strangled that fool Belok last month. Now I am invited to the High Council meetings, treated with respect by the commoners, and able to hire servants to wait on my every need. Only fools believe crime does not pay, for while I have kept my darker dealings secret, it took more than one betrayal and bloody night to gain all I now...

Passage Two

...without me. My trading company shall soon squeeze coppers from every fool who takes goods between Halas and Qeynos. These gnolls have eaten up everything the delegation has said, and while I think the other Qeynos men treat them far too softly, I agree an alliance will profit us all. With Blackburrow as a safe haven, we shall have no enemies of note in this quarter of the world. Once my fortune is secure, I can spend more time studying the black books I stole from that Teir'dal woman. I am not satisfied...

Passage Three

...d*** Opolla! That hairy witch has vexed me at every turn. She won't sign a treaty with me alone, she won't let me get any of the others alone. And those rings! Rings of such beauty obviously don't belong on a mongrel gnoll's hand, even a witch. If I was rid of her, I would rule even more of this land than a king. Perhaps tonight I shall seek out Opolla and see how her magic protects her from a knife in the dark. Other foes of mine have seen how effective...

Passage Four

...if they catch me, I will be beaten and stripped of all I own. I have hidden the witch's hand, and three of the rings I won cutting it off. One is gone, I know not... Two I shall keep on me, to sell if I need coin in my escape. And escape I must, for both the gnolls and the Qeynos guards hunt me. If they weren't so busy killing each other, they'd have me by now. As if the life of one gnoll shaman witch was worth all this. It may be generations before the gnolls trust humans enough for another treaty to be offered.

And the curse! My eyes burn, and at night I begin to hear whispering. When I cut Opolla's hand off, I never believed she could curse me, or my family. But what if she can? Will even my black books teach me how to undo such a magic? Clearly, I must begin trying these rituals, and learning what powers the books can summon.

But first, I must escape the Qeynos guard. I have already been banished there, but no one will know me in the east. Perhaps in Freeport, I can start again. The way is long, but...

Passage Five

...tonight! Let the fools tend my wounds! Let them mutter their platitudes about love and justice! I have my black books still, and I shall use them in their own temple. The power to rule the world is in my grasp!

Passage Six

Stop it! Stop the voices!

Passage Seven

My hands hate me, all hands hate me. Every hand is raised against me. I'll cut them all off! I don't care what it wants any more, I'm prepared to bring the Nightmare to all men.

Passage Eight

Father, father are you proud? I'm going to kill them all. Tonight.

EverQuest II

  1. ^ From the EverQuest RPG manual by way of this thread in the SOE EQ2 forums

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This page last modified 2009-04-13 14:51:46.