Housing Directory (EQ2)  

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The Housing Directory was introduced in Game Update 61. This feature, also called the House Ratings System or Housing Leaderboards, allows players to publish homes which others can visit and rate.

Publishing a Home

The Housing Directory
The Housing Directory
At your house door there are several icons, one of which is a book. This is the Publish/Unpublish Home button. Clicking on it will bring up a disclaimer that you are about to publish your home to the directory, that all items will become locked and that unpublishing a home will cause your ratings to be reset.

Click the next button and then you can make up a name for your house. This can be anything you want, from generic (ex: Cyliena's Manor) to thematic (ex: Grotto of Mysteries). Once you type in a name click the next button again to continue with the publishing process.

The next screen asks you to take a screenshot. This is not one that is saved on your computer. The default one showing is your current camera view. If you are in third person, your character will be showing so it is recommended to be in first person view. Pick out a nice spot that you think features your home and click the Take Picture button.

After you're satisfied with everything click the Publish button and your house will be on the directory!

New House Door Icons
New House Door Icons

Unpublishing a Home

To unpublish a home, use the same button that you used to publish it from your house door. Your house will be removed from the Housing Directory, all current ratings will be removed but any awards earned will be retained.

Publishing Restrictions

When your home is actively published:

  • You cannot move any house items.
  • You cannot pick up any house items.
  • You cannot save or load layout files.
  • You can retrieve items from a moving crate, but cannot place them.
  • Your home will be open to visitors.

Unpublishing a home will allow you to interact with items and layouts in your house.

Using the Housing Directory

The Ratings Window
The Ratings Window
To access the Housing Directory, click on the Housing Leaderboards menu choice on the EQII game menu. You can also use the /house_ratings slash command.

This directory currently has five categories: Hall of Fame, Small Homes, Medium Homes, Large Homes and Massive Homes. The actual size of the house is taken into account for determining its category. For example, a 2-room inn is considered a Small Home, a Maj'Dul Vacation Suite is a Large Home and a Mistmoore Crags Estate is a Massive Home.

A drop-down menu at the top of the directory allows you to sort by Newly Published, Creativity (Recent), Style (Recent), Creativity (Overall) and Style (Overall). A filter at the bottom allows you to further refine your search my filtering for all homes, your own houses and homes that belong to whoever has listed from your guild.

Choose the house you want to check out and click the Visit button in the lower right-hand corner. This will zone you into that home. It does not work if you are in combat.

Once inside the home a Rate This House! icon will pop up on your screen. After you've looked through the house use the icon to bring up a ratings window. Once you're done rating use the directory to go look at another home or leave the home through the door. Leaving the house will take you to the last non-instanced zone that you have been in.

Rating a Home

Once you feel that you are ready to rate a house, click the Rate This House! button (from either the pop-up or the house's door) and a ratings window will open up. You can rate on two characteristics: Style and Creativity. If you like either, simply click the "Like" button to give it a vote. This system was originally introduced as a 5-star rating scale but was changed to the "Like" system on December 20, 2011.

Your ratings will only count toward awards for one week. You can rate again within that time frame but your one week timer will be refreshed if you change your rating. A house may only be rated once per account.


House Awards
House Awards
Houses that top the Leaderboards will earn awards, which is designated on the Housing Directory window. The current awards are: Number 1 in Creativity, Number 1 in Style, Top in Creativity, Top in Style and Dev Pick.

A number in the bottom-right corner of an award denotes the number of days (does not have to be consecutive) that the home has received that award. No number would signify that the home only received it once, the number 3 means that it received it for 3 days, and so on.

For a home to end up in the Hall of Fame category it must receive at least 50 awards. [1] Homes in the Hall of Fame will then only compete against each other for category awards. [2] When a house moves to the Hall of Fame category the owner should receive a House Rating Trophy in the mail to commemorate the moment. [3]

If a house that is in the Hall of Fame is unpublished, it will retain its awards but, when republished, go into a normal category. After it earns one more award it will go back to the Hall of Fame. [4]

In-Game Mail for Trophy
In-Game Mail for Trophy


These are the achievements you can earn for your homes reaching the Hall of Fame!

Suffix Title Reward
Hall of Famer Get one house into the Hall of Fame the Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer II Get two houses into the Hall of Fame the Decorator
Hall of Famer III Get three houses into the Hall of Fame the Decorator Extraordinaire
Hall of Famer IV Get four houses into the Hall of Fame the Architect
Hall of Famer V Get five houses into the Hall of Fame the Interior Designer
Hall of Famer VI Get six houses into the Hall of Fame the Grand Decorator
Hall of Famer VII Get seven houses into the Hall of Fame the Interior Engineer
Hall of Famer VIII Get eight houses into the Hall of Fame the Extravagant Decorator
Hall of Famer IX Get nine houses into the Hall of Fame the Extreme Decorator
Hall of Famer X Get ten houses into the Hall of Fame the Decorator of Legend
Game Update #61
August 25, 2011


  1. ^ Number of awards required for Hall of Fame from Rothgar on the official forums.
  2. ^ Hall of Fame category information from Rothgar on the official forums.
  3. ^ Hall of Fame trophy announced on the Thursday, August 18, 2011 Stickam Webcast
  4. ^ Unpublishing Hall of Fame houses information from Rothgar on the official forums.

Categories: EverQuest II | GU61
This page last modified 2012-05-01 10:09:50.