Languages (EQ2)  

Norrath's rich history and variety of races has made it a marvelous place for linguists. Racial languages spoken by player characters are available for purchase from a variety of Linguists all over Norrath. Non-player character languages are often only available as a quest, and many are required to advance your character or participate in events.

AntonicanHumans (Good)PvP only, spoken by inhabitants of Qeynos
ArgotHumans (Exile)PvP only, spoken by inhabitants of Haven
Ayr'DalHalf ElvesPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
Chaos TongueNightbloodsQuest: Tapping the Torrent
CommonHumans (Good & Evil)Regular Servers only, language that all PC's and most NPC's speak
Death's WhisperUndeadQuest: The Whispers of Death, though all evidence indicates only undead in Desert of Flames zones provide the drops (specters in Great Divide near TOFS provide drop also)
Di'zokianSarnaksQuest: starts with A Mysterious Red Tome
DraconicDragonsQuest: To Speak as a Dragon
DruzaicThe language of Magic. Spoken by GolemsQuest: Words of Pure Magic
DwarvenDwarvesPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
ErudianEruditesPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
Feir'DalWood ElvesPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
FayefolkFayQuest: The Patchwork Tapestry (Fae characters start with this)
FaerlieFaePlayer language: Start with or learned from the quest Learning Faerlie
FroakKrupp FrogloksQuest: starts with A Mysterious Green Tome
GnollishGnollsQuest: Bark Like a Gnoll
GnomishGnomesPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
GoblishGoblinsQuest: Claiming the Goblish Tongue
GorwishSarnakPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
GuktanFrogloksPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
HalasianBarbarianPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
KerranKerraPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
KrombralGiantsQuest: Words of a Giant
Koada'DalHigh ElvesPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist or by doing the quest Knowledge of the Past at the end of the Peacock Club Quest Series (for evil characters).
LucanicHuman (Evil)PvP only, spoken by inhabitants of Freeport
OrcishOrcsQuest: An Order of Orc Tongue
OggishOgresPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
RatonganRatongaPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
SathirianIksars of KunarkQuest: starts with A Mysterious Black Tome
ScreechsongHarpiesQuest: The Scratching of Feathers
SebilisianIksarPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
SerilianKobolds & BugbearsQuest: Language of the Dust
StoutHalflingsPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist
ThexianDark ElvesPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist,
Quests: Symbols of the Damned (good) or Mysterious Artifacts (evil)
ThulianAmygdalan and LizardmenQuest: Fearful Words
ThullosianOgres of the Moors of YkeshaQuest: Sufficient Samples of Thullosian will enable Linguobot to translate for you, should you ever need it, but does not teach you the language.
Tik-TokClockworksQuest: The Mysteries of Tik-Tok
UruvanianDjinnQuest: Words of Air
VolantHooluks, Aviaks, and VultaksQuest: Words of a Feather
YkeshanTrollsPlayer language: Start with or purchase from a Linguist] or from Quest: [[eq2 quest:The Mysteries of Ykeshan
Words of ShadeShadowed MenQuest: Voices from Beyond

EverQuest II

Categories: EQ2 Guides | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2013-06-20 19:54:34.