Liberate Heartland Motors (CoS Quest)  

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Sub-Main Quest
[Main] Trouble on the Road
Zone: Heartland Road
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City of Steam
Liberate Heartland Motors

  1. Reach level 14
  2. Enter Temrin's Stacks
  3. Complete dungeon objectives
  4. Find Thought Engine
  5. Use Heartland Motors Elevator
  6. Find Corsair Doorman
  7. Enter Heartland Motors Office
  8. Find the Second Mate
  9. Find Officer Jost

IF you gave the wrong password (highly likely) the Corsair will run to the door ahead of you. When he does this, expect to be jumped by three Corsairs the moment you zone in. If the password was correct the front room should be empty.

There are four exits from this first room, but three of them are locked. Go up the stairs. This path will eventually lead to a switch that opens the other doors.

The mobs inside are 15+.

For a reward, you may choose one of six Fine helms appropriate for your class.

This page last modified 2014-02-13 23:55:29.