Lizardman (EQ2 Mob Race)  

Type Sentient
Language Thulian
L&L Quest Lore and Legend: Lizardman
See the Bestiary for a list of all mobs in this race.

Intelligent but not technologically advanced, the Alliz Ew have lived in the same crude tents and crumbling ruins for countless ages. Viewed by other races as primitive and savage, they have unwavering devotion to the god of Fear and speak an ancient language few can understand. Expeditions sent to the Alliz Ew rarely return, but those who do speak of a new power rising deep in the jungle.


The Alliz Tae Ew's primary deity is Cazic-Thule, but there are other demigods that hail from Modinthule, the Plane of Fear, that played a vital part in the establishment of their temple on Norrath and demand reverence from all Thulians. The courtyard of the Temple of Cazic-Thule contains two lesser pyramids of Alliz Onu and Kyr'Tok. Each one of these demigods performed a great service to Cazic-Thule when the foundation of fear was being injected into Norrath. In other worlds, Cazic-Thule called upon other heroes of Modinthule to assist in the creation of other embassies of fear.

Alliz Onu is the Queen of Reptiles. She inhabits the swamplands of the Plane of Fear. By the will of Cazic-Thule, ruler of the Plane of Fear, she helped create the Lizard Man race as well as numerous other dangerous reptiles of Norrath. All Alliz Ew, regardless of tribe, pay some homage to her. She has no eyes within her eye sockets. In her honor, the Alliz Tae Ew remove their eyes in a painful ritual that takes place in the Undertemple of the Temple of Cazic-Thule.

In the Plane of Fear, The Mangled, Kyr'Tok, is an enforcer for Cazic-Thule. He also rules over a contorted and warped jungle of that plane. Amidst that vast jungle can be found monuments and towers of twisted and contorted designs. Kyr'Tok's shiverback army was instrumental in the early defense of the Feerrott as the temple was being built. He also went on to help create painful devices that were used to create contorted Thulian minions. Some of the unfortunate creations of those devices can be found floating around locations in the jungle as well as lurking around various dungeons of Norrath.

For their part in the creation of the Thulian Capital of Norrath, Kyr'Tok and Alliz Onu are paid homage through horrific rituals within the dreaded Temple of Cazic-Thule. [1]

OOC For an insight into the habits and motivations of the Lizardman tribes, say their names backwards! Even their goddess follows this rule... Alliz Onu backwards is Uno Zilla, or Number One Lizard!

  1. ^ a post in the EQ2Players Lore forum by Vhalen

This page last modified 2010-08-23 12:13:50.