Mage Rush (LoN)  

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Mage unit rush decks have been popular since the game's inception. Adding high damage output cards like Roaring Flames and Igneous Adept to the regular assortment of Shadow units makes for one of the fastest decks around.

Shadow rush decks are popular in several Archetypes, but the Mage is usually the most popular and one of the most explosive decks around. Blighted Pack makes a nice addition as it almost guarantees winning a combat when attacking with just a couple of allies and also adds damage. That's what this deck does best: Churn out damage. All the units in the deck have damage bonus including the massive +3 that Igneous Adept packs while attacking. Combined with attack pumps like Roaring Flames and Blighted Pack that increase damage as well and direct damage cards like Shock of Fire, you never know where the damage is going to come from with this deck.

Rush decks have always used Decoy as a means to move problem allies like Dwarven Sentry, but Inquisitor added a new avatar that has the ability to move units every turn. The new Halfling only has 9 health which can be a very risky proposition, but Mage rush decks rarely want the game to last more than just a few turns so the 9 health may not be as significant a drawback to this deck as it would be to some others. It's definitely a powerful ability that will likely be somewhat popular.


This is one of the fastest decks around. Slippers of Dark Mana gives the deck the power production to keep up with Shadow Priests, and some card drawing for staying power once it gets done powering out its cheap allies. The speed of the deck also gives it the power to just flat out run over bad draws on your opponent's part.

Like most excellent tournament-level decks, this deck is very consistent. It doesn't rely on any specific card. It just needs an endless supply of guys to keep running into combat with and the selection is getting better and better.


The deck can be weak against White Wall because of the sheer amount of units they will continue to throw in your way. The Decoys and Halfling ability can usually handle what most decks use to play defense, but White Wall is almost nothing but units. It can be hard to move them all out of the way.

The deck also doesn't particularly like Ogre avatars or the new Arachnid Fur Necklace. When your opponent has either of these cards, it becomes important to try to tie combat all the time so that you get to pick how to deal the damage instead of your opponent which is very important when you have 1 health units like Igneous Adept.

This deck is very strong, relatively easy to put together, and it's a lot of fun to play.

Legends of Norrath

This page last modified 2008-04-12 06:32:46.