Medicine Supplies (RoM Quest)  

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RoM Quest
[+] Ystra Highlands
 [+] Khazor's Watchtower
  [30] Medicine Supplies

Expansion: Rise of the Demon Lord
Start: Kurami
Related Mobs: Related Items: Related Objects: End: Kurami

Quest Reward:
 XP: 5,941
 TP: 594
 Gold: 3,300Gold 
Your choice of one of the following

Other Resources: The RoM WikiGoogle
Runes of Magic
The Cow Grass is all around the camp. With all that sparkle you would have to be blind to miss it.

Timesaver! This quest has steps, hunting areas, or mob targets in common with the following quest(s).

This page last modified 2010-04-10 23:42:51.