FR Place:Pixie Nursery  

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Pixie Nursery
Pixie Nursery
Sacred Grove / Wilds North / Pixie Nursery

Southwest of Wugachug; East of Seaside.

A small, peaceful outpost that usually crosses the path of many travelers going back and forth between Wugachug and Seaside. Beautiful flowers flourish in the gardens here, tended by a group of earnest pixies.

Quests Collections Places Mobs
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Quest Series

Flax's Fish Series

  1. Fishy Business
  2. Purr...fect Secret
  3. Who Done It?
  4. Making Amends

Sweetest Drink Series

  1. The Concoction
  2. Not Sweet Enough
  3. A Pinch of Choy


Atlas location of Pixie Nursery

This page last modified 2009-12-07 09:10:15.