Shoreline (Rift Guild)  


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About Shoreline

Shoreline is a semi- hardcore raiding guild on Steampike that aims to do in 3-4 raids what others do in 5, whilst retaining our friendly, courteous & mature atmosphere. Guild leaders are Kane and Zoe. Officers are Estruvis, Fortuned and Kyridus. Our recruitment officers are Onyr and Scorphion.

Shoreline is an ambitious guild of mostly older players who want their main character to be truly top of the line. We progress to do the hardest content in game, yet without spending all week doing it. This requires focus, dedication and high raid attendance. Including being punctual and well prepared, learning and following the tactics and commands, being adaptive about raid role, focused on team success and having excellent character knowledge and playskills. It's important to keep advancing your main character in relevant ways outside of raid times, and always be actively looking for ways to better our teamwork & performance inside raids.

Outside of raid times it's very important we retain the friendly relaxed guild spirit, keep sharing our tips n tricks on the forums, helping each other and enjoy our out of raid activities in an easygoing atmosphere without drama or stress. If you feel you could be a committed long-term member of our guild, please visit the recruitment section of our forum or spreak of to Scorphion or Onyr, our recruitment officers.

Guild Charter: http://shoreline.guildlaunch.com/custom.php?page_id=81132&gid=210929 Recruitment: http://shoreline.guildlaunch.com/custom.php?page_id=80714&gid=210929

This page last modified 2011-07-03 12:07:27.