Strongbox (CoS Item)  

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Inventory Category: Others

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City of Steam

Locked Bundle

Contains up to three powerful items:
  • 100% chance of a Superior item (blue)
  • 30% chance of an Extraordinary item (purple)
  • 10% chance of a Magnificient item (orange)

Opening Fee: Player must pay Electrum to open (see below)

Each box is locked to a specific minimum level (included in the name). The items in the box will be within a few levels of that level.

  • Level 10 Strongbox (Opening Fee: 200Electrum ($1.94) )
  • Level 20 Strongbox (Opening Fee: 400Electrum ($3.88) )
  • Level 35 Strongbox (Opening Fee: 700Electrum ($6.80) )

NOTE: There is no guarantee that you will receive an item your class can use!

This page last modified 2013-08-02 23:35:33.