Syndicate of Souls (Rift Guild)  


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Guild Charter

We are European. We are a European based Guild, but accept players from all over the world. English will be the language to communicate.

We are Defiant. Because they are better than Guardians.

We are on Steampike. This seems to be the most populated PvE server atm.

We are casual. Really casual. I've been in Guilds claiming to be casual, but really they weren't. I want this guild to be truly casual, no obligations. Log in and play when you want, how you want. I'm not very keen on Teamspeak and all that fancy stuff, so none of that here either.

We PvE. We quest together, explore, craft, because that is what we like.

We PvP. Because we like to kick Guardian's ass from time to time.

We help each other. We're all noobs in this game atm, so we help our guildies out whenever we can.

We respect eachother. No flaming, trolling, insulting. We are mature people, not a bunch of morons.

We have a life. Some of us have children, have a full time job, have hobbies,... We respect that and understand that some things come first, others second.

We will have a bloody good time doing all of this. Really, that's what it's all about isn't it? Just having a blast in a fun game!

We are the Syndicate of Souls. And we will be known for all of the above.


Syndicate of Souls is currently looking for 5 like minded souls to start up the guild with me. Officers are needed, so if u feel like leading the guild with me, or just becoming a member, please apply and contact me (Syus or alt Xynn) ingame for an ivitation.

Website and Forum

More info and guild aplication at http://www.syndicateofsouls.mmoguildsites.com

This page last modified 2011-03-07 14:33:40.