Thundering Steppes (EQ2 Quest Series)  

Thundering Steppes
Quest Series
Starting ZoneThe Thundering Steppes
Rec. Levels21 to 30
Previous Antonica
Next Zek, the Orcish Wastes
Ruins of Varsoon
Contents [hide]
EverQuest II
Quest Series

Antonica Gate

Griffon Egg for the Steppes Tower Stations - this will give you access to the Griffon Tower transportion system.

Jacques - at Antonica zone line

  1. Watch Your Step in the Thundering Steppes, Part 1 (20)
    • While this quest and its sequels are active in your journal, two leg biters will attack you whenever you step onto Thundermist Road near the Antonica griffin tower or enter the Village of Thundermist.
    1. Blumble Blunder (20) - Blerton Blumble on the docks in TS
    2. (Optional) Search for Grandma Blumble (20) - Grandpa Blumble in his instance used in quest above
  2. Watch Your Step in the Thundering Steppes, Part 2 (25)
    1. A Scrying Shame (25) - Tish Tickers on the top floor in Qeynos Tower 3
    2. (Optional) The Gnoll Cave (26) - gives access to the solo instance, A Gnoll Cave
    3. (Optional) Stop the Elementals (27) - automatically offered upon entering the solo instance, A Gnoll Cave.
  3. Watch Your Step in the Thundering Steppes, Part 3 (27)
    1. Supplies for Brianna (27) - Brianna in one of the houses in the Village of Thundermist
    2. (Optional) Hides for Brianna (29)
  4. Watch Your Step in the Thundering Steppes, Part 4 (32)

Village of Thundermist

Qeynos Tower 3

Thundermist Valley

Watcher of the Fields - on northwest beach

  1. Complete in any order:

  1. Karath the Forgotten (25) - after completing all of the above

Dead River Docks

Elowys Laceleaf - outside very last building on the docks

  1. Desperately Seeking Butterflies! (15)
  2. Desperately Seeking Moths! (15)
  3. Desperately Seeking Ants! (15)

Reinkor McCollin

  1. Travelers Beware (20) - repeatable
  2. Mysterious Assailants (22)
  3. Safety for Travelers (24) - repeatable
  4. The Woe of the Travelers (24)

Elowys Laceleaf

  1. Desperately Seeking Butterflies! (26)
  2. Desperately Seeking Moths! (26)
  3. Desperately Seeking Ants! (26)

Other Dock Quests

Harvesting Quests

Duggin Brandywine - at the docks
The following quests may be done in any order and have no recommended adventurer level, but you can only get one at a time.

Far Seas Requisitions

  1. Examine the table on the dock
  2. Taskmaster Deldrin for the Special Contracts (after all of the above)

Item Triggered

  • Deepening Barrier (20) - examine a dropped wooden plank
  • The Unfinished Pick (20) - examine a dropped Finely Sanded Shaft'
  • Finishing the Job (20) - examine a box in a building on the docks at -447, -18, -438
  • Eternal Rest for the Undead (20) - examine a box in a room on the docks at -567, -15, -491
  • Once Upon a Fallen Star (23) - examine a dropped a jagged metal cluster.
  • The Mysterious Supplier (23) - Examine the flour sack at 1205, -0.85, 599 in the Thundering Steppes.
  • Old Man Cedric's Stool (23) - Click on a stool in Thundermist Village next to Holly Rowan at 591, 2, -155
  • Farmers' Hat (23) - examine a dropped bug ridden hat
  • Iridescent Brooch (23) - examine a dropped Lopsided Jewelry
  • In Quest of a Lucky Charm (25) - examine a dropped Centaur Shoe.
  • Griffon Feathers (25) - examine a dropped Griffon Feather
  • Thundering Bear Claws (25) - examine a dropeed Bear Claw
  • An Undead Education (29) = examine a pile of rubble at 241.67, -4.19, -762
  • The Last Dig (35) - Examine a rock near the watcher's field, close to one of the craters by the road 1149.93, -0.82, 83

Access Quests

This page last modified 2011-12-15 01:49:37.