Titan Eater (CoS Zone)  

Quick Facts
Type: Wilderness
Between: Meluan's Gate and The Vault

Related Quests
Near Scraphills Dock
Central Bilge Dock
Prepare Yourself

Common Mobs (22)
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City of Steam

Every Wilderness zone can be entered for PvE or PvP. In the PvE version some monsters may drop Minor Energy Bars, while in the PvP version you may find Major Energy Bars and Metal. Of course Shillings may be found in both. The mob population and map will be the same in both versions, but quests may be completed only in the PvE version. Collectibles drop in both versions.

Titan Eater is a Wilderness zone connecting Meluan's Gate and The Vault. It is filled with Razorfins and Corsairs.

This page last modified 2013-12-16 01:29:22.